Page 25 - ISSUE 15
P. 25
emails regularly from people who’ve
seen the show and downloaded the
music - it was a great opportunity.
Rocknation: What can someone
expect at a Monkeysoop show?
EM: We entertain our audience by
giving them a chaotic mix of throbbing
rhythms, strange time signatures, and
multiple style changes. Jerry’s guitar
playing is a blend of unusual musical
style with original technique and unique
gimmics. We mix in material from our
different CDs, going from a heavy,
complex, multi-time-signatured pieces
Interview with Jerry Connor to more straight forward rock-n-roll
tunes in 4/4, to the occasional vocal
& Erica Missey cover song - we like mixing it up on
by Tom Mathers Rocknation: Please name some bands
you have played with.
EM: We’ve played several shows with
Rocknation: Hello Jerry and Erica and Green Jelly, Lillian Axe, The Radioac-
welcome to Rocknation. tive Chicken Heads, and Rosemary’s
Jerry Connor: Hello, Tom, and thanks Billygoat. Monkeysoop has also opened
for having us. for Lizzy Borden, LA Guns, Foghat,
Rocknation: Please fill us in on the Lordi, The Bullet Boys, Fear, D.I.,
recording process for your latest CD, Agent Orange, Joey Belladonna, Molly
“Experimetal,” your 4th release on Hatchet, Bang Tango, Phantom X, Grand
Sonic Wave International since 2004. Funk Railroad, Johnny Winter, Three
Jerry Connor: I write the majority of the Dog Night, The Guess Who, The Charlie
music for Monkeysoop and I usually Daniels Band, and Big Brother Holding
have most of it prepared by the time we Company. We’ve also shared the stage
hit the studio. With EXPERIMETAL, with countless Texas-based bands.
I recorded all of the guitar work and JC: Most of the bands that we have
Erica Missey came back with the drums shared the stage with have been great,
and bass work. Our previous CDs had and we have made some really good
been full-length LPs, chock full of friends.
different musical genres. For EM: Yes, Green Jelly and The
EXPERIMETAL, we shortened the Radioactive Chicken Heads have
running time and focused the music helped us beyond measure.
more - it’s straight-to-the-point Rocknation: Who are your influences?
progressive metal. JC: There are too many to name - I listen
Erica Missey: A little backstory on the to everything! Hell, I’m intrigued by
recording -- during the track WOLFS- anything that gives off a sound. In my
BANE, there’s a section where Jerry music collection, I have a lot of Steve
plays a difficult passage one way, then Vai, Joe Satriani, Rush, Frank Zappa,
records the same part while playing John 5, Kreator, Green Jelly, Spastic Ink,
it backwards for the end of the song. Coroner, Five Finger Deathpunch,
Immediately after he finished recording Slipknot . . . I’ll stop here because
the reversed section, the first ten words I could go on forever.
out of his mouth he spoke perfectly in EM: When I listen to music for the bass
reverse order! Both the recording work, my favorite go-to guy is Les
engineer and I were shocked! Also, the Claypool. I also like Geddy Lee, Flea,
intro guitar rhythm on HEAVY ARTILL- Victor Wooten, Billy Sheehan, and Jaco
IERY was inspired by Morse Code for Pastorious. When I listen for the drum
“warning, danger”. And there is one work, I love Neil Peart, of course, but
song on the EP that isn’t typical metal also the drummers from Primus,
- it’s the one song Jerry let me produce - Slipknot, Fall of Troy, Dillinger Escape
LITTLE PINK DOTS. Be afraid. Plan, and Behold the Arctopus.
Rocknation: Monkeysoop was the JC: When I’m writing music, I’m also
winner on Myspace Hall of Fame award heavily influenced by movie sound-
“BEST NEW INTERNATIONAL BAND” tracks. I admire the work of Angelo
2010, please tell us about that. Badamenti, Danny Elfman, John
JC: We were surprised and honored to Williams, and the band Lab Report.
receive this award. We were contacted Rocknation: What is the music scene
by the website curator, stating that we like for bands in San Antonio - Texas,
were nominated, and a few months where you live.
later, we were told that we had won EM: The music scene is alive and well
“Best New International Band” for 2010. in San Antonio. Bands and venues and
Apparently, we won honors alongside tastes are constantly changing, but
The Scorpions, Fleetwood Mac, several Monkeysoop’s been around since 2003
other noted performers. To be listed and we’re still alive and kicking.
with such legendary acts was a huge Rocknation: What plans do you have for
compliment! 2011.
Rocknation:Monkeysoop was a Grammy JC: Right now, we are recording
consideration in 2005 for “Best Rock EXPERIMETAL 2, which will be another
Performance”. That is a huge EP, but even heavier and more abstract
accomplishment for any band. Please than EXPERIMETAL. We want to remind
tell us how that came about. our fans that we’ve got four albums
EM: While recording our debut CD in worth of material available at their
2004, we needed a few more minutes favorite digital retailers and we even still
of music to fill time. Jerry wrote and offer those old-fashioned ‘CDs’. We’re
recorded FAIRDALE in the studio in also working on other projects: I play
about 20 minutes. We then sent off the guitar for Satantonio
material to our label and were informed (,
months later that FAIRDALE was being Erica and I write and play for Not Well
considered for a Grammy. Imagine our (, and
surprise when the time-filler track on we’re at the infant stages of forming
our debut CD was garnering Grammy yet another group, largley Pink Floyd-
attention! inspired. Erica and I are also music
Rocknation: The television series “The instructors, and we’re enjoying a good
Drive TV”, a reality show documenting year teaching talented and enthusiastic
the travels of four friends across the students.
Americas featured Monkeysoop music, Rocknation: Thank you for taking time
what song did they feature? Did you get for this interview and last words to the
a lot of response from fans, press? fans.
JC: The folks at “The Drive TV” were JC: Our pleasure! Thanks again for
gracious enough to use several of our having us. And to our fans, thank you
songs, including SEVEN, FOOLISH, for support!
CATIO, and RIVER (REPRISE). We get For more info: