Page 19 - ISSUE 15
P. 19
were the originals. Steve Ya don’t
Perry, Lou Gramm, Robert run around
Plant, RJD, Derek St. Holmes, saying
John Waite, Dennis DeYoung, you have
etc, etc.... I think there is a toured the
common theme happening world and
here.....They all kick fucking recorded
ass!!! with Curb
Rocknation: What can some- Records
one expect at a Eden’s Curse when you
show? can’t sing
Michael: Mayhem and musi- your silly
cianship from hell. You never old ass
know what will be said as I’m out of a
off the cuff 100%! There ain’t f#cking
no script besides the key- paper bag,
board intro to Sail On where and lets
I intro the band members...... not forget
and that’s never the same the Sears
every night but close!! The Catalog
band delivers and that’s all I Lyric Book
care about to be honest. on the old
Rocknation: Tell us about bitches
what bands you have played music stand. Nothing says 5 years ago. This ain’t no Michael: The real fans around
with. professional like a music vacation to me and I should the globe know who they are.
Michael: The question no- stand front and center!! Bor- not have to lose money as If I could thank em all for their
body ever asks............Thanks ing, Boring and em ya..... has happened in the past. If support one by one I would.
for asking!!! All cover bands SH#T! The best guitar player you de-value your worth you They are our spirit and our
besides SEVEN TEN which I played with forgot he had become worthless! With that lifeline! I salute their ass and
strangely enough was also on talent and his wife made sure said if I can make the equal to they know this!! To any new
MMM here in the USA. None he quit the only band that the most shitty of bands in my fans just now discovering the
of those bands were serious brought him any success at backyard I’ll be happy to fly world of EC where you trip the
enough to look for the brass all. He was the best I would 4,000 miles and play for those light fantastic..........I say buck-
ring. I might not have found it ever have, or so he said. I who deserve me! lol.... le up my friends, lets kick this
Rocknation: Thank you for f##ker down together! Cheers
taking time for this interview, Michael Eden.
any last words to the fans. Band info:
Rock Stars
T-Shirts on stage
T-Shirts available at:
but I got bigger balls than the think that TK took that com-
wanna be back yard window ment and flushed it down the
licking c#nts who don’t even sh#tter. Then again...... what
know my name because it’s do I know? Next....
easier to ignore success that Rocknation: What plans do
they wanted but never got you have for 2011, any more
because stupidity wins the shows in Europe, USA?
day for ALL OF THEM!!!! It’s Michael: There is always a
easier to lie to everyone and chance of a tour. It’s very
pretend you are a sh#t kicker costly for bands to tour and
when the truth is your music without the finances to back
f##king blows monkeys for it up it’s near impossible. I LOADED MAD MARGRITT
quarters. I’m all for fun and don’t need to “afford” to tour
games but lets keep it real. because the hobby wore off