Page 13 - GESMN 2019 Benefits Enrollment Guide
P. 13

Health Savings Account (HSA)

      What is a Health Savings Account (HSA)?
      An HSA is a tax-favored savings account that works in conjunction with your health     HSA Eligibility

      plan coverage. HSA dollars can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses such as   You may open and contribute
                                                                                             pre-tax to an HSA if you
      deductibles, copays, dental and vision care. For a complete list of  qualified medical   meet the following criteria:
      expenses visit in IRS Publication 502.                                           •   Enrolled in an IRS
                                                                                                   qualified high
      HSA Major Benefits                                                                           deductible health
      ➢ Funds always belong to you.                                                                plan (HDHP).
      ➢ Funds always roll over to use the following year.                                      •   Cannot be enrolled
                                                                                                   in a traditional
      ➢ Lowers your taxable income.                                                                PPO plan
                                                                                               •   through your spouse or
      HSA Triple Tax Savings                                                                       other employer
                                                                                                   sponsored plan
      ➢ Tax deduction when you contribute to your account.
      ➢ Tax-free earnings through investment.
                                                                                               •   Cannot be enrolled in
      ➢ Tax-free withdrawal for qualified medical expenses.                                        a government
                                                                                                   sponsored  program
                                                                                                   (Medicare, Medicaid,
      If  you enroll in either of GESMN’s high deductible health plans and are eligible to         Tricare, etc.).
      participate in  the HSA, you may open an HSA account. Your account with                  •   Cannot have
      GESMN’s vendor of choice is required to receive a GESMN contribution as well                 received VA benefits
                                                                                                   within the last three
      your own HSA pre-tax deduction within our payroll system, if you elect to make               months (unless
      your own contribution.                                                                       receiving benefits for
                                                                                                   a service related
      GESMN utilizes Associated  Bank for its HSA.
                                                                                               •   Cannot  be  claimed
                                                                                                   as  a  dependent  on
      To open an account with Associated Bank, contact the Associated Bank                         someone  else’s  tax
      Health Savings Account Administration Department at 866-740-8666 or                          return.                                             •   Cannot have an HSA
                                                                                                   and healthcare FSA;
              1. Insert Employer code: ABK-CV0433.                                                 your spouse cannot

              2. Click “Get Started” to begin the online enrollment process.                       have  a healthcare
                                                                                                   FSA through their
              3. Complete the enrollment.                                                          employer.
              4. GESMN’s benefit administration department will be notified of your new
                account information and process in the next payroll period.

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