Page 8 - GESMN 2019 Benefits Enrollment Guide
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HealthPartners’ Member Site

       The HealthPartners member site,, offers many valuable
       services  and can answer questions about:

       ➢  Your coverage and claims.                                                          virtuwell

       ➢  Finding a doctor or specialist in your network.                                    HealthPartners offers an online
       ➢  Finding care when you’re away from home.                                           clinic as a covered benefit in
                                                                                             the medical plan. It is similar
       ➢  Discounts through your health plan.                                                to going to an office visit via

       ➢  Health plan services and programs.                                                 a call. No appointments, no
                                                                                             driving and no waiting at an
                                                                                             urgent care center. The
      How to Search for a Provider                                                           clinic lets you talk via phone
      1.  Go to                                                with a health practitioner. It
                                                                                             can be used for common
      2.  Enter your ZIP Code and then search by the doctor’s name or specialty              health concerns like colds,
                                                                                             flu, fevers, rashes, infections
      You can also call HealthPartners directly at 800-883-2177.                             and allergies. It’s faster,
                                                                                             easier, and more convenient
       Medical Plan Premiums                                                                 than a visit to an urgent care
                      Engaged Rates       $2,700 Deductible  $3,000 Deductible               virtuwell is available 24 hours

                                           with HSA Plan     with HSA Plan                   a day, 7 days a week. Busy
                                                                                             schedule? No problem —
                                             Bi-Weekly         Bi-Weekly
                                                                                             the convenience of having
               Employee Only                  $ 68.71           $ 31.92                      health care a click away can
               Employee and Spouse            $198.71           $117.75                      help you get the care you need
               Employee and Child(ren)        $169.23           $ 91.95                      when you need it. If you think
                                                                                             this is an appropriate setting
               Employee and Family            $290.33           $170.58                      for your particular symptoms,
                                                                                             simply go to

                    Non-Engaged Rates     $2,700 Deductible  $3,000 Deductible
                                            with HSA Plan    with HSA Plan
                                             Bi-Weekly         Bi-Weekly

               Employee Only                  $ 91.79           $ 54.99
               Employee and Spouse            $221.79           $140.83
               Employee and Child(ren)        $192.30           $115.02
               Employee and Family
                                              $313.41           $193.66

      To qualify for the 2019 engaged rates, employees must  have completed the

      HealthPartners Health Risk Assessment (HRA) AND have submitted proof of a
      preventative care visit within the year AND submitted proof of a qualified wellness
      activity by Sept. 14, 2018. Employees who are newly eligible after July 1, 2018 are
      eligible for engaged rates through the 2019 plan year.
      Watch for more information in 2019 about our new wellness website which offers

      you valuable information and tools to qualify in 2019 for the 2020 engaged rates.
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