Page 7 - GESMN 2019 Benefits Enrollment Guide
P. 7


      Medical Plan Options

      Our goal is to provide the best possible health coverage — coverage which is

      affordable for you and sustainable for GESMN — while continuing to offer great
      care. We are dedicated to continuously evaluating our benefits plans, providing
      market  competitive benefits and delivering health care options which meet the needs
      of  you  and your family.

      This is an ever-changing health care environment, and we are determined to do our
      best to manage and minimize cost increases.

      We continue to partner with HealthPartners and offer two (2) plan options for
      eligible employees working 30 or more hours per week. Refer to the table on page
      8 for a summary of your plan options.

      With HealthPartners, all employees have access to the same open access network.

      HealthPartners Open Access Network

      ➢  You can see any provider you wish who accepts HealthPartners, but you
          will receive the highest level of  coverage when using an in-network

      ➢  No referrals required.
      ➢  This network is one of  the largest in the nation; you will find that most
          providers are in this network.

      In-Network Vs. Out-Of-Network
      A network is a group of  doctors, specialists, hospitals, labs and pharmacies your
      plan contracts with at negotiated or discounted rates. These make up the providers

      in your “network.” This means you will almost always pay less when you receive
      care in-network.

      If  you choose to see an out-of-network provider, you may be required to

      submit your own claims. You may also be balance billed, which means you will
      be responsible for charges above HealthPartners’ reimbursement amount.

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