Page 10 - GESMN 2019 Benefits Enrollment Guide
P. 10

What About My

     Prescriptions?                   Paying for Services
     You may fill your prescriptions at   In addition to sharing the monthly premium cost with GESMN, you share in the
     one of HealthPartners’ more than
     66,000 pharmacies nationwide or   cost of services you receive, as follows.
     through the convenient and cost
     effective mail order program. An
     important part of your pharmacy   High Deductible Plans
     benefits is HealthPartners’
     preferred drug list (PDL). All    Annual Deductible and Out-of-Pocket Maximum
     medical plan options will include
     the GenericsAdvantageRx
     Formulary. This list contains     With the $2,700 deductible plan with HSA, you pay the first $2,700 of  covered
     both brand-name and generic       expenses for each individual and a maximum of  $5,400 for your family.  The
     drugs with proven safety and
     effectiveness. Medications on the   annual deductible is equal to the out-of-pocket maximum.
     PDL are placed into tiers. These
     tiers determine your out-of-      Under the $3,000 deductible plan with HSA, you will pay the first $3,000 of
     pocket costs.
                                       covered expenses for each individual and a maximum of  $6,000 for your family.
     •   For information about your
        specific coverage and costs,
        log in to or call     Coinsurance
        members services               Under the $2,700 deductible with HSA plan, once you meet the annual deductible,

     •   For questions concerning      the plan pays 100% of  the cost.
        prior authorization or step
        therapy, please contact
        the Rx Navigator via           Under the $3,000 deductible HSA plan, once you meet the deductible, you and
        HealthPartners’ member         the plan will share costs through coinsurance of 80% until you reach the out-of-
                                       pocket maximum.

                                       Out-of-Pocket Maximum

                                       The amount you must pay out of  your own pocket for your annual deductible,
                                       copayments and coinsurance is limited each plan year. This limit is called the out-
                                       of-pocket maximum. The out-of-pocket maximum for the $3,000 deductible with
                                       HSA plan is $6,000 for each individual and $12,000 per family.

                                       Health Savings Account (HSA)

                                       You may choose to use funds from your HSA to offset the deductible. See the next

                                       section for more details on the HSA.

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