Page 10 - Final Project.indd
P. 10
S eeking amusement
Relationships and family
In the pain of others
With a stream of tears running down his
face and a shocked, pale face, a 12 year-old Diverse forms with one sorrowful fate
student sat on the train rails waiting for the train
to come, and end his misery. While sitting on According to Psychiatrist Nawras Shukair
the and Mrs. El Nahas, the forms of bullying vary, as
railway, his life story passed in front of his eyes bullying can be through physical, psychological,
as an endless cycle of verbal abuse, and cyber bullying. The physical
miserable events. After 15 minutes from abuse includes any harm for the body of the
rescuing him, the boy revealed that he was bullied person, and damage to his/her
trying to commit suicide because his colleagues properties. In addition, the psychological abuse
always mock him for the appearance of his includes socially isolating the bullied person,
teeth. This is the case of many students who and spreading rumors about him/her. The verbal
face bullying abuse includes mocking the bullied person for
situations every day, and suffer from devastating his appearance, social status, religion…etc.
psychological Mrs. El Nahas says that cyber bullying is the
consequences. most widespread type of bullying because of
the high consumption of the social media
In an interview with the Head of nowadays.
communication at UNICEF Egypt Mrs. Hala Abu
Khatwa on MBC Channel, she reveals that 70% Mr. Shukair says: “Naive, shy, emotional, and
of the Egyptian children who are aged between weak students are more vulnerable to bullying
13 and 15 suffer from bullying. She further than other students.”
explains that this percentage is not due to the
hostility of the children, but because of the lack Mrs. El Nahas retrieves one of the most
of awareness about the consequences of memorable cases saying: “There was a girl who
bullying that may lead to committing suicide. came from Saudi Arabia, and she was different
from the other students, so students used to
Due to this high percentage of mock her for being clam and introvert.”
bullied children, the UNICEF, the
National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, Therefore, the girl started to negatively
and the Ministry of Education have worked on react through being aggressive with the other
launching an anti-bullying campaign that aims students. Mrs. El Nahas acknowledges that one
to spread awareness about bullying among the of the reasons behind the hostile behavior of
parents and their children. the girl is her feeling of lack of support from her
parents and teachers. Usually, bullied students
In the past, parents and school have two alternatives, either to stand for
principals denied the fact that there was school themselves in an aggressive way or become
bullying in Egypt. However, during the last passive and defeatist.
decade, many parents became highly aware of
the issue. Basma El Deeb, a mother of three girls,
Family Coach Dina El Nahas says that the says that her 12 year-old daughter has faced
dramatic increase in the number of many forms of bullying, such as mocking her for
parents who visit her to help their her curly hair. Also, she says: “My eight year-old
children is a strong indicator of the daughter’s colleagues tend to socially isolate
increasing awareness of the parents. her because she is very shy and emotional.”