Page 13 - Final Project.indd
P. 13

The second step is measuring the
           Prejudices block the coaches’ efforts                   students’ self-perception through a reflective
               Mrs. El Nahas mentions that school bullying       questionnaire that is formulated based on deep
           is one of the major issues that face students,        life coaching research.  The third step is asking
           and needs to be strictly addressed. She says          the students how they are going to solve the
           that before evaluating a bullying situation, the      problem without directing them towards certain
           coach needs to thoroughly investigate the             solutions to help them be independent and
           case through studying the background of the           responsible. The final step is discussing the
           students included in the bullying incident.           effectiveness of the proposed solutions.
           She further explains that teachers usually see            Advising the parents, Mrs. El Nahas says:
           that a student is bullying other students, but        “Hug your children, and assure them that no
           after investigations they find out that the bully     matter what happens you will always be their
           has been bullied for many years, and has
           developed a violent feedback to the cumulative        backbone.”
           bullying cases.
               Also, Mrs. El Nahas mentions that the
           culture of the teenagers drives them to suppress
           their feelings in order to seem mature; however,                            Discussion
           their psychological status ends-up damaged.                            is one of the most
           Therefore, Mrs. El Nahas has oriented the
           students towards certain tips and techniques to                    appropriate solutions for
           stand for themselves, and has familiarized the                bullying, as through discussion the
           culture of raising their concerns, and seeking
           help from the experts.                                       bullied students will feel the teachers’
           Key steps to solve bullying cases                             support, and the bullies will learn
               Mrs. El Nahas says that the first step in                    how to sympathize and deal
           solving any bullying case is listening without
           being prejudice. She says: “Most of the school                       with their colleagues.
           problems are derived from the students’ feeling
           that no one listens to them.” Therefore, she says
           that the social workers and life coaches play a
           crucial role in the schools.

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