Page 12 - Final Project.indd
P. 12
developed a violent feedback to the
Bullies are victims as well cumulative bullying cases.
Mrs. El Nahas says: “Discussion is one of Also, Mrs. El Nahas mentions that the
the most appropriate solutions for bullying, as
through discussion the bullied students will feel culture of the teenagers drives them to suppress
the teachers’ support, and the bullies will learn their feelings in order to seem mature; however,
how to sympathize and deal with their their psychological status ends-up damaged.
colleagues.” Therefore, Mrs. El Nahas has oriented the
students towards certain tips and techniques to
For instance, in the case of the bullied girl, stand for themselves, and has familiarized the
Mrs. El Nahas succeeded in turning the bully culture of raising their concerns, and seeking
into a best friend for the bullied girl through help from the experts.
discussion sessions with the bully. She adds
that bullies themselves have insecurities and Devastating effects
conflicting feelings that push them to retrieve Mrs. El Nahas says that bullying highly
their power from attacking others. affects the bullied students to the extent that
Mr. Shukair says that bullies are affected on the makes some of them commit suicide. Moreover,
long- term, as this act nurtures narcissism in many students pass by traumas that develop
their personality. Also, bullies are highly into fear from socializing. She says that the
expected to grow-up into drugs addicts, common effects of bullying include low self-
extremists, thieves, and criminals. esteem, lack of self-confidence, and stuttering.
Parents… supportive or suppressive Mrs. El Nahas says: “Parents are usually
concerned about the physical well-being of their
Mrs. El Nahas says that there are two types children, but they do not recognize that the
of parents when it comes to dealing with their psychological well-being and positive self-
bullied children.She says that before evaluating
a bullying situation, the coach needs to perception are essential.” The academic
thoroughly investigate the case through performance of the students is one of the
studying the background of the students aspects that gets highly affected after the
included in the bullying incident. bullying case.
She further explains that teachers usually Mrs. El Deeb says that she has noticed
see that a student is bullying other students, but that her 12 year-old daughter has developed
after investigations they find out that the bully a negative self-image; for instance, she keeps
has been bullied for many years, and has asking her mom to take her to the hairdresser to
change her hair style.