Page 17 - Final Project.indd
P. 17
3- Transparency and smartness are your key 6- First impression lasts, so make sure to
towards a successful introduction leave a good one
Balancing between being transparent yet Well- groomed appearance, confident
filtering the information is a quite hard mission. tone, and Kindness give a positive and im-
Coach Hazem says: “You must be transparent pressive first impression. In order to guarantee
with your family about your new partner, his a successful first meeting, Coach Hadil says:
education, career, social status, financial status, “Choose a convenient time for both parties, and
area of residence…etc.” However, couples must wear neutral colors and semiformal clothes.”
be clever about the information that they give to Coach Hadeer says that one of the most
their parents. For example, if the parents of the attracting characteristics that guarantees an
man are separated, but the man is well-brought- impressive image for the new partner is being
up, well-educated, and civilized, the girl can ambitious, and having plan for his/her future.
conceal the fact that his parents are separate to Coach Youssef adds that flexibility in dealing
avoid her family’s rejection or prejudice before with life crises is an essential characteristic to
meeting him. gain the future parents-in-law satisfaction and
Nouran says that she has concealed the admiration.
fact that Hussein’s father is working abroad “I have spent a whole week shopping for
because this may negatively affect the image of the first meeting,” Nouran says while laughing.
Hussein and his family in the eyes of her par- She says that she has chosen decent, elegant
ents. clothes and make-up.
4- Do your research Coach Reham advises men to take flowers
Research is the most important first step in bouquet and chocolate box for the first visit to
many fields, such as education, career, inter- propose for his future partner. Also, she advis-
views, and surprisingly relationships. Coach es girls to wear a skirt or dress with light, neutral
Hazem advises the partners to research each colors.
other’s family before meeting them. For exam- 7- Dissect your problems fairly
ple, each partner must ask the other partner In some situation, the parents show
about his/ her parents’ preferences, political
ideologies, values, and favorite club to avoid rejection towards the new partner. This rejection
conflicts during the first meeting. could be rational in many cases, and in some
Hussein says: “Before proposing to Nouran, cases it might be misunderstanding. Therefore,
Coach Hazem says that the most appropriate
I did not know that her father was Al- Ahly club solution in these cases is to sit with the
fanatic, and during our first meeting, he start-
ed talking about Al- Ahly in a very enthusiastic parents and understand the reasons behind
tone which made me realize his strong affiliation their rejection. Sometimes the reasons are
to Al- Ahly, and I totally avoided talking about vague or biased, so dissecting the huge
Al-Ahly in a negative way.” problem into small pieces will help the couples
5- Avoid controversial topics find solutions. Coach Hadeer says that many
cases of rejection are out of fear from the future,
Doing research is a crucial point, but avoiding so the couples need to sit with their families,
controversial topics keeps each partner on the and assure them that after getting married, they
safe side. These controversial topics include will still care for them, and love them.
talking about religion, politics, and sports. Rela- To conclude, Parents’ experience is the life
tionship Coach Hadeer Hatem says that during saver of many youth; therefore, the Egyptian
the first meeting, it is preferable to tackle gener- culture allocates high importance to the parents’
ic topics that do not have the risk of triggering opinion in many life aspects. However, parents’
controversy and conflict. experience may be inapplicable in all situations
Coach Hadil further elaborates that talking because sometimes their advices are derived
about hobbies and stories about the partners’ from over protection and lack of awareness
childhood will guarantee a successful first about the differences between the generations.
meeting. The key of successful introduction for the
“I find that talking about personal values and person’s new partner relies in the hands of both
beliefs, plans for the future, and social life are the partners and the parents. The partners must
the most important topics that the family must show respect and transparency towards their
discuss with their son’s/daughter’s future part- parents. In addition, the parents must
ner,” Relationship Coach Youssef Sadek says. encourage their sons and daughters to freely
Etiquette Coach Reham El Hawary says: “Avoid express themselves without fear. Youth must
talking about finances during the first meeting.” deal with their parents’ experiences as a
Also, she says avoid talking about death and treasure that is quite valuable and beneficial if
illness. they learned how to invest this treasure.