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P. 20

     Relationships and family

           Pleasant words make huge difference                   Other parties’ intervention is unacceptable
                Dr. Al Demerdash advises people to                   Dr. Al Demerdash is against the couples’
           convince their partners to visit a relationship       families’ intervention in their relationship. She
           coach through an affectionate dialogue rather         further explains that families have traditional
           than an ordering tone. She further illustrates        thoughts about marriage that are mostly wrong,
           saying that the partner can convince his/her          so their intervention demolishes the coaches’
           partner by saying: “I love you, and I want to learn   efforts in changing the couples’ vision about their
           how to make you happy, so what about helping          relationship. She believes that the families are
           me to improve our life together through visiting a    key contributors in most of the divorce cases.
           relationship coach?”                                  She says that after divorce, the couples’ parents
                Ahmed says: “After resorting to Dr. Al           must seek support from a relationship coach to
           Demerdash, I realized that I was using the wrong      learn how to deal with their divorced son/
           language with Sara, as I used to convince her         daughter.
           to consult a relationship coach through ordering          “Children must be totally isolated from any
           her, and sometimes we ended up fighting.”             problem between their parents,” Dr. Al Demerdsh
           Planning for the worst case scenario                  says. Talking about the psychological health of
                “Once the couples decide that they will get      the children, she says that any rehabilitation
           divorced, I start formulating a supportive plan for   process for the children either during the
           the couples after divorce to improve their            marriage of their parents or after divorce must be
           psychological health, help them move on, and          done separately from their parent’s program. She
           share with them a future vision,” Dr. Al              has not witnessed any divorce case that has a
           Demerdash says.                                       positive effect on the children. She says that
           Sara says that Dr. Al Demerdash has been quite        engaging teenagers in the problems of their
           supportive during the program, as she has been        parents leads to Gamophobia, fear of marriage
           reaffirming on her support to Sara regardless of      and commitment. “Family coaching rehabilitation
           her decision. Sara says: “In the beginning, Dr. Al    programs for children include discussing their
           Demerdash showed me all the possible options,         problems, proposing solutions, and teaching
           and offered me a well- structured plan for all the    parents how to deal with them,” Dr. Al
           scenarios.”                                           Demerdash says.
                Ahmed says: “Dr. Al Demerdash did not rush           To conclude, Dr. Al Demerdash says: “Life
           us or direct us towards certain decision.” He says    between the married couples must be like the
           that the best thing about relationship coaching       Ping-Pong match. where each player must learn
           is that it offers alternative plans to support the    how to pass the ball not only receive the ball.
           couples in all situations.

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