P. 46
The pentavalent, a single
GLOBAL EDuCaTiON vaccine that protects against
5 major diseases - hepatitis B,
Haemophilus influenzae type
b, diphtheria, tetanus and
2010 and 2016, Syria saw the sharpest pertussis.
decline in vaccinated children, with
coverage* falling by 38 percentage
points over this period. Second is
Ukraine where coverage decreased
by 33 percentage points.
A number of countries have
seen a significant increase in the
number of vaccinated children since
2010, driving most of the gains in
immunization coverage this decade,
including India, Ethiopia, Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Bangladesh,
Philippines, Mexico, United Republic
of Tanzania, Vietnam, Turkey and
Sudan. In India, the number of A 10-day polio vaccination
unvaccinated children** reduced by campaign in 13 provinces in
45 percent, from 5.3 million in 2010 to Lao PDR was undertaken
in March 2018 to vaccinate
2.9 million in 2016. about 460,000 at-risk
As of 2016, six countries children aged 0 months to 5.
accounted for half of the world’s Diphtheria, a disease
unimmunized children*: Nigeria (18%); that is only rarely seen
India (15%); Pakistan (7%); Indonesia thanks to immunization,
(5%); Ethiopia (4%); and Democratic is making a come-back. In
Republic of the Congo (3%). response to an outbreak
The top 10 countries where among Rohingya refugees
vaccination coverage*, in percentage - in which three out of
points, has increased between four people affected
2010 and 2016 are Palau (29%), were children - UNICEF
Malta (21%), Democratic Republic supported several large
of the Congo (19%), Comoros (17%), vaccination campaigns in
Azerbaijan (16%), Ethiopia (16%), southern Bangladesh, reaching close A billion people will be vaccinated
Timor-Leste (13%), Barbados (11%), to half a million children. against Yellow fever in Africa by
Costa Rica (9%) and India (9%). In 1988, there were 350,000 cases 2026 - almost half of them children
In 2017, Yemen witnessed one of polio a year. Since then, over 2.5 under 15 years of age. Since 2001,
of the worst cholera epidemics on billion children have been vaccinated the production of the yellow fever
record with over a million suspected against the disease. Today, the world vaccine has quadrupled from 20
cases, almost 29 percent of them is closer than ever to eradicating million to 80 million doses annually,
among are children under five polio, with only 22 cases in two and is expected to increase in the
years old. Around 5.2 million people countries last year. More than 400 coming years.
received two doses of the oral cholera million children will be vaccinated As of 2016, an estimated 86
vaccine in South Sudan, Somalia, this year. percent of children less than one year
Mozambique, Malawi, Sierra Leone, The lives of an estimated 20 of age were fully vaccinated against
Philippines, Nigeria, Chad, Haiti, million children have been saved diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis,
Cameroon, Zambia and Bangladesh through measles immunization compared to 52 percent some 30
during cholera outbreaks or as part of between 2000 and 2016. years ago.
preventive campaigns. In 2017, UNICEF procured 2.4
46 • julai
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