P. 45
We continue to work with
governments on the ground,
including in places affected
by conflict, in support of these
unsung heroes who take on this
extremely dangerous work to
save lives.
A brave child looks at the midwife while
receiving measles injection in Tone Le
Village, Nyaung Shwe Township, Shan
State in Myanmar.
A ‘cadre’ (volunteer community
health worker) uses an illustrated
flipbook to explain about
immunization in Pandas Village,
Klaten District, Central Java.
A mural encourages parents to vaccinate their children at the UNICEF-supported
Redemption Public Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia.
before. Behind their phenomenal
success lies the hard work of health
workers who go from village-to- millions of frontline health workers heroes who take on this extremely
village to vaccinate children, even who walk for hundreds of miles to dangerous work to save lives.” Nandy
though they encounter fear and remote locations, through jungles added.
suspicion. and across seas to reach every child,”
“Last year, it is estimated that said Robin Nandy, UNICEF’s Chief of TWELVE KEY FACTS ON
vaccines saved the lives of as many Immunization. VACCINES TODAY
as three million children. That’s three “We continue to work with
million future doctors, teachers, governments on the ground, Two-thirds of unvaccinated
artists, community leaders, mothers including in places affected by children live in fragile countries or
and fathers alive today thanks to conflict, in support of these unsung those affected by conflict. Between
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