P. 47
in sub-Saharan Africa between 2000 produces a return on investment of
and 2015. And as of March 2017, all USD44 in low and middle income
but 15 countries have eliminated countries.
maternal and neonatal tetanus, a To achieve 90 percent DTP3
disease with a fatality rate of 70 to coverage, vaccinations in 64
100 percent among newborns. countries must be accelerated.
Still, an estimated 1.5 million Conflict is one of the main factors
children under 5 years of age die - along with under-investments in
every year from vaccine-preventable national immunization programmes,
diseases. vaccine stock-outs and disease
The percentage of children outbreaks - disrupting health
receiving the diphtheria, tetanus systems and preventing sustainable
and pertussis vaccine (DTP) is delivery of vaccination services. Two-
often used as an indicator of how thirds of the world’s unimmunized
Male Health well countries are providing routine children live in fragile countries or
worker in Primary
Health Center immunization services. In 2016, global in areas affected by conflict. These
carry vaccines coverage rates for the third dose of children are the most vulnerable to
through trolley the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis disease outbreaks.
in a hard to
reach district vaccine (DTP3) reached 86 percent, In Yemen, for example, children
at Balichowki, up from 72 percent in 2000 and 21 accounted for over 58 percent of
Himachal percent in 1980. the more than one million people
Pradesh, India.
Still, progress has stalled over the affected by a cholera outbreak or
last decade, and 64 countries have watery diarrhoea in 2017 alone.
billion vaccine doses worth USD1.3 yet to achieve the Global Vaccine In 2016, eight countries had less
billion, reaching 45 percent of the Action Plan (GVAP) target of 90 than 50 percent coverage for DTP3
world’s children. percent or greater coverage of DTP3. in 2016, many of which are fragile
Thanks to vaccines, maternal and 19.5 million children under one year states and affected by emergencies:
neonatal tetanus, which is extremely of age worldwide did not receive the Central African Republic, Chad,
deadly amongst newborns, has been three recommended doses of DTP in Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Somalia,
eliminated in all but 15 countries. 2016, and 20.8 million children in the South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic
Ethiopia, Haiti and Philippines same age group had failed to receive and Ukraine. But more than half of
eliminated the disease in 2017. a single dose of measles-containing all children unvaccinated for DTP3
vaccine. lived in just six countries: Nigeria,
NEARLY 13 MILLION CHILDREN India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Ethiopia,
WENT UNVACCINATED IN 2016 VACCINATIONS IN 64 and Democratic Republic of the
COUNTRIES MUST BE Congo. Nigeria surpassed India as
Immunization is one of the ACCELERATED the country with the most children
most cost-effective public health unvaccinated for DTP3, with an
interventions to date, averting an No child should die from a estimated 3.4 million unvaccinated
estimated two to three million preventable cause, and all children children.
deaths every year. As a direct result should be able to reach their full * Coverage is measured by the
of immunization, the world is closer potential in health and well-being. percentage of infants receiving all three
than ever to eradicating polio, The cost of a vaccine, often less than required doses of diphtheria-tetanus-
pertussis-containing (DTP3) vaccine.
reaching a record low of just 22 USD1, is much lower than the cost ** Number of children not receiving
cases in 2017. Deaths from measles, of treating a sick child or fighting all three required doses of diphtheria-
a major child killer, declined by 79 a disease outbreak. Each USD1 tetanus-pertussis-containing (DTP3)
percent worldwide and by 85 percent invested in childhood vaccination vaccine.
julai • 47
44_47 Global Edu yt.indd 47 7/2/18 2:56 AM