P. 42


                Stories & Photos
                WHO & UNICEF      THINGS WE MUST
                                      KNOW ABOUT

                         • Malaria is                      humans, and two                        deaths.
                     a life-threatening                   of these species - P.                  • Total funding
                     disease caused by                  falciparum and P. vivax               for malaria control
                    Plasmodium parasites               - pose the greatest threat.          and elimination reached
                 that are transmitted to people         • The WHO African Region           an estimated USD2.7 billion
                 through the bites of infected       carries a disproportionately high     in 2016. Contributions from
                female Anopheles mosquitoes. It        share of the global malaria          governments of endemic
                  is preventable and curable.           burden. In 2016, the region           countries amounted
                        • There are fi ve               was home to 90 percent of              to USD800 million,
                    parasite species that                malaria cases and 91                   representing 31
                      cause malaria in                    percent of malaria                  percent of funding.

                     ALARIA  -  a  preventable
                     and  treatable  disease
             Mthat  remains,  in  many
             regions of the world as a major
             public health problem.

                “Every two minutes, a child dies
             of malaria,” said Stefan Swartling
             Peterson, UNICEF Chief of Health.
                Currently 91 countries experience
             ongoing malaria transmission.
             Almost half the world’s population -
             about 3.2 billion people - are at risk   Sierra Leone is one of seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa where more than a
             of malaria. In 2016 alone, 216 million   quarter of the population is infected with malaria at any one time-WHO.
             new cases of malaria were reported,
             and approximately 445,000 people
             died of the disease - most of them   Nation’s agencies, UNICEF and     “Worse yet, after years of progress
             children.                          WHO are working closely with other   the most recent year-on-year trend
                Progress on global malaria      partners to achieve a world free of   is pointing in the wrong direction.
             control is slipping. The global    malaria, ensuring that those most   Renewed political commitment and
             community was alerted in           vulnerable to malaria receive the   funding is a must if we are going to
             November 2017 that malaria cases   preventive and curative interventions  beat malaria. Far too many children’s
             are on the increase. Two United    they need to stay healthy.        lives are at stake,” said Peterson.

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