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            Published Quarterly by Oregon Women Lawyers                             Volume 28, No. 1    Winter 2017
                                                      A Conversation with

                                  Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici

                                                                  By Florence Z. Mao
                                        n No -                                                       tive Bonamici
                                        vember                                                       answered
                                  O10, the                                                           questions and
                                  OWLS Leader-                                                       discussed a va-
                  In This Issue   ship Commit-                                                       riety of issues
                                  tee continued                                                      relating to her
             Rep. Suzanne Bonamici  its series titled                                                career both
                                  “ S k i l l s  a n d                                               before and
                Balancing the Scales  Strategies for                                                 after  entering
                                  Emerging Po-                                                       politics. After
                President’s Message  litical Leaders”                                                law school, Ms.
              Mary Leonard Chapter  at a luncheon                                                    Bonamici was
                                  event with U.S.                                                    an attorney
             Upcoming OWLS Events  Representa-   From left: Susan Pitchford, Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici,    for the Federal
                                                                Judge Karin J. Immergut
                                  tive Suzanne                                                       Trade Commis-
              Roberts & Deiz Awards
                                  Bonamici, who represents the 1st Congressional   sion in Washington, DC, where she practiced
             OWLS Members Elected  District of Oregon. Moderated by Multnomah   consumer protection law. She then moved to
                                  County Circuit Court Judge Karin J. Immergut, the   Portland and continued consumer protection
        Breaking into Public Speaking  event was the second of a series of presentations   work at a law firm, where she was one of the few
                     Eugene Event  in which political leaders discuss their pathways   women lawyers, and worked until her children
                                  to elected office. The series aims to strengthen   were born. She recalled having to shape her own
         Supporting Women Litigators  the leadership skills of OWLS members and to   family-leave policy to accommodate their births.
                                  inspire them to political activity at every level,   Noting that 25% of women in the United States
       Lawyers’ Assoc. of Wash. County
                                  from neighborhood associations to national   return to work only two weeks after the birth
                   Capitol Update  office, while championing causes near to their   of a child, Ms. Bonamici emphasized the need to
                                  hearts. The first event in the series was held in   update our nation’s workplace policies to reflect
                  Dress for Success  June 2016 and featured Oregon Attorney General   the current workforce and family dynamics.
                                  Ellen Rosenblum.                           Ms. Bonamici encouraged those with young
             Women’s Trial Academy
                                    During the November event, held at the Stoel   families  to  have  honest  discussions  with  their
                      OSB Awards  Rives office in downtown Portland, Representa-                  Continued on page 4
           Investiture of Judge Russo  Balancing the Scales: Film Examines
         Queen’s Bench Honors Judges

            OWLS Foundation Grants  Gender Inequality in the Legal  Profession
                                                                  By Bridget Budbill
               Meet Kristin Sterling
                                        tlanta trial lawyer and filmmaker Sharon Rowen poses a big question in her new documen-
          Clackamas Women Lawyers       tary, Balancing the Scales: why do so few women reach the highest echelons of America’s
                                  Alaw firm leadership?
                                    In an effort to find answers, Ms. Rowen spent 20 years interviewing a broad range of women
                                  lawyers, all of whom have something to say on the matter. Included in Ms. Rowen’s interviews are
                                  United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Roe v. Wade attorney Margie Pitts Hames,
                                  11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Senior Judge Phyllis Kravitch, civil rights attorney Gloria Allred,
                                  current and former members of state supreme and appellate courts, and women partners at law
                                  firms. OWLS and Bodyfelt Mount sponsored a screening of the film with Ms. Rowen on October 25
                                  at the World Trade Center in Portland.                          Continued on page 6

            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 1                                          WINTER 2017
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