Page 10 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Winter 2017
P. 10

Lawyers’ Assoc. of Washington County                                 A Call to Action
                                                                                             continued from page 9
                     Bowls for Dress for Success                                   The problems Judge Immergut points

                                                                                 to—that women lack confidence, they
                                                                                 feel they cannot juggle it all, and the cul-
                                                                                 ture is not accepting of them—are prob-
                                                                                 lems that judges also can help solve, by
                                                                                 sending the message to all the attorneys
                                                                                 in the courtroom that attorney-mothers
                                                                                 will be treated as leaders, will not have
                                                                                 their confidence undercut by procedural
                                                                                 or scheduling slights, and will be afforded
                                                                                 the basic opportunity to engage in the
                                                                                 profession so they can meet their goals
                                                                                 of becoming top litigators.
                                                                                   If our profession truly wishes to keep
            LAWC bowlers included (left to right) Heather Murray, Elizabeth Inayoshi,    women, and mothers, from migrating
            Judge Michele Rini, Kristine Almquist, Rebecca Guptill, Mary Bruington,    from the profession, then women need
            Judge Beth Roberts, Sara Kearsley, and Kelly Morgan.                 not only support from our firms, but

                  he Lawyers’ Association of Washington County (LAWC), an OWLS chapter,   also support from the courts in which
                  held a bowling fundraiser for Dress for Success Oregon on October 22. LAWC   we litigate our cases. Courts can assist
            Tcovered the cost of lane fees and prizes at Sunset Lanes in Beaverton so that   by providing adequate physical facilities
            100% of the proceeds went directly to Dress for Success Oregon.      to accommodate breastfeeding mothers
             Along with clothing donations, the group raised $425 to assist the nonprofit with   (including a refrigerated place to store
            its mission to “empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a   milk for the duration of a full day of
            network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women   trial). Judges can assist by being willing
            thrive in work and in life.”                                         to think creatively and flexibly about
             All the bowlers professed to have a great time, despite the lack of bowling talent   how to address these types of concerns
            most claimed.                                                        as they arise. OWLS has already compiled
             For information on how you can get involved with LAWC or on upcoming events,   a list of lactation facilities for breast-
            please contact Rebecca Guptill at        feeding mothers located in courthouses
                                                                                 and other public buildings. [See link in
                                                                                 blue box below.] Unfortunately, a quick
                                                                                 review of the list highlights the need for
                                          The Oregon Women Lawyers Foundation,   improvement, as only seven courthouses
                                                                                 in Oregon are listed.
                                          the 501(c)(3) sister organization to OWLS,   attentiveness to these issues, the collec-
                                                                                   Perhaps with more awareness and
                                          is proud to focus on educating and
                  women                   supporting women and minorities in order   tive efforts of firms, women, and courts
                                                                                 might start to add up in a such a way that
                                          to further their access to and participation
                                                                                 instead of migrating away from the legal
                  LAWYERS                 in the justice system.                 profession, women will feel empowered
                                                                                 to participate with confidence.  Maybe
                  FOUNDATION              We fund the Armonica Law Student       then we can once and for all stop won-
                                          Book Grant, the Vernellia R. Randall Bar
                                                                                 dering, “Where are the girls?”
                                          Exam Grant, the Justice Betty Roberts   Elizabeth Biermann focuses her practice
                                          Leadership Conference Grant, and the   on real estate and business transactions,
                                          Janis Hardman Medical Support Grant.   loan documentation, and business entity
                                                                                 choice and formation at Tomasi Salyer
                                          To learn more about the Foundation,    Martin in Portland.
                     Support the          our grants, or to donate, please visit
                Oregon Women Lawyers
                  Foundation Grants                                                OWLS’ list of lactation facilities
              by purchasing a raffle ticket                                        for breastfeeding mothers is at
                  or supporting the                                                www.oregonwomenlawyers.
                 Special Appeal at the                                             org/resources/lactation-
              2017 Roberts & Deiz Awards                                           facilities-for-breastfeeding-
              Dinner on Friday, March 10.                                          mothers/.

            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 10                                         WINTER 2017
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