Page 14 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Winter 2017
P. 14

The Investiture of U.S. Magistrate Judge Jolie A. Russo

                                                    By Hon. Stacie Beckerman

                   any OWLS members were in at-
                   tendance to witness the formal
            Minvestiture of U.S. Magistrate
            Judge Jolie A. Russo on October 21, 2016,
            at the Wayne L. Morse U.S. Courthouse
            in Eugene.
              Judge Russo was appointed to and as-                             At left: Magistrate Judge Jolie A. Russo,
            sumed the federal bench on February 25,                            Chief Judge Michael W. Mosman. Below,
            2016, following 28 years of service to                             from left: Judge Marco A. Hernández,
            the U.S. District Court for the District of                        Magistrate Judge Jolie A. Russo,
            Oregon, first as a staff attorney to the                           Chief Judge Michael W. Mosman,
                                                                               Magistrate Judge Stacie Beckerman,
            Honorable James Redden, and later as                               Magistrate Judge Youlee Yim You
            a senior staff attorney to the Honorable
            Ann Aiken. Judge Russo has also served
            as an adjunct law professor at the Uni-
            versity of Oregon School of Law since
            2004, and as an adjunct law professor at
            Lewis & Clark Law School. Judge Russo
            is an active community volunteer, and
            has  also served her legal  community
            on several boards, including those of
            Oregon Women Lawyers, the Federal Bar                                                                 Photos: Chad Tucker
            Association, and the Multnomah County
            Bar Association. She earned her JD from
            Lewis & Clark Law School.
              Judge Russo is the fourth woman to   beautiful arrangement of “Imagine,” by   honoring Magistrate Judge Thomas
            serve as a U.S. magistrate judge in the   John Lennon.               Coffin, whose seat on the bench she fills,
            District of Oregon, following Magistrate   OWLS member Danielle Hunsaker, a   and District Judge Ann Aiken, with whom
            Judges Janice Stewart, Patricia Sullivan,   partner at Larkins Vacura Kayser, then   Judge Russo worked for many years.
            and Stacie Beckerman. Magistrate Judge   spoke about Judge Russo’s professional-  Following  the  courtroom  ceremony,
            Youlee Yim You assumed the bench a   ism and friendship. OWLS board member   guests celebrated Judge Russo at a lively
            few days after Judge Russo. They are the   Susan Pitchford, a partner at Chernoff   courthouse reception.
            seventh and eighth women to serve on   Vilhauer, assembled a group of lawyers   Judge Russo, along with her newest
            the U.S. District Court for Oregon since   from the federal bar who rose up from   colleagues, Judges You and Beckerman,
            1859, following U.S. District Judges Helen   the audience and each handed Judge   benefited from the helpful guidance they
            Frye, Ann Aiken, and Anna J. Brown, in   Russo a flower while reciting lyrics from   received from the OWLS Judicial Work
            addition  to the  other  U.S.  magistrate   “Forever Young.”         Group during the judicial appointment
            judges. In addition, three women have   Chief Judge Mosman administered the   process.
            served on the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for   oath of office, and Judge Russo’s sons,
            the District of Oregon since 1978: Judge   Max and Nico, performed the enrobing   U.S. Magistrate Judge Stacie Beckerman
            Polly S. Higdon, Judge Elizabeth L. Perris,   honors, as Judge Russo’s partner, Lynn   is the immediate past president of
            and current Chief Bankruptcy Judge Trish   Barkley, beamed from the front row.   Queen’s  Bench,  the  OWLS  chapter  in
            Brown. Judge Susan Graber is the only   Judge  Russo  made  inspiring  remarks,   Multnomah County.
            woman judge from Oregon to serve on
            the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.          Need help with a big case? Want to take a vacation?
              At the formal investiture ceremony,     Contact the OWLS Contract Lawyer Service. We can help!
            Paul Bruch, Judge Russo’s courtroom
            deputy, opened court, and Chief Judge
            Michael W. Mosman welcomed Judge                     Contact us with project/job information.
            Russo’s many friends, colleagues, and                We immediately post the announcement to our
            family members in attendance. In honor               contract lawyer listserve. You are promptly contacted
            of Judge Russo’s many years of mento-                by contract lawyers who meet your criteria. No fee to
            ring law students and young lawyers, a               post jobs or projects. You pay the contract lawyer you
            distinguished  group  of  lawyers  whom              hire. OWLS contract lawyers are statewide.
            Judge Russo has trained over the years               Many levels of experience. Many types of expertise.
            spoke in her honor: David Higgs, Rachel
            Rose, and David Svelund. Following              For more information or to post a job, contact
            their remarks, Divisi, the University of
            Oregon’s a cappella choir, performed a   Diane Rynerson: 503.841.5720 or

            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 14                                         WINTER 2017
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