Page 15 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Winter 2017
P. 15

Queen’s Bench Honors Oregon Women Judges

                                                       By Gloria Trainor

                  ecember 13 marked the 26th
                  OWLS Queen’s Bench holiday lun-
           Dcheon honoring Oregon women
            judges. The luncheon took place at the
            Sentinel hotel in Portland and featured
            a remarkable lineup of speakers.
              U.S. Magistrate Judge Stacie Becker-
            man, the outgoing president of Queen’s
            Bench, kicked off the event by congratu-
            lating the newly appointed 2017 Queen’s                                            From left:
            Bench Board of Directors. Incoming                                                 Top: Anne Milligan,
            President Kate von Ter Stegge offered  Five photos: Dreams in Bloom Photography    Andrea Thompson;
            her sincere thanks to all who planned the                                          Middle: Jennifer
            event and introduced the Queen’s Bench                                             Martin, Kristin Tierney.
            luncheon CLE schedule for the upcoming                                             Bottom: Attendees
            season.  Incoming  Vice President  Rima                                            included Diane
                                                                                               Rynerson, Trudy Allen,
            Ghandour then announced the judges in                                              Judge Janelle Wipper,
            attendance, and each stood to applause                                             Justice Lynn Nakamoto.
            and recognition for contributing to the
            advancement of women in the legal
            profession in Oregon.
              Judge Beth Allen  announced a $500
            donation  from  Queen’s  Bench  to  the
            Multnomah County Circuit Court’s Court-
            Care program, which provides no-cost
            child care for parents who are tending  Photo: Teresa Statler
            to business at the courthouse. Oregon
            Women Lawyers President-elect Angela
            Franco Lucero then announced the recipi-
            ents of the 2017 Justice Betty Roberts and   she could do to help those who are   unique presentation by each woman and
            Judge Mercedes Deiz Awards, and both   struggling. She selected four women   her courage to be vulnerable in sharing
            received enthusiastic applause from the   who inspire her, and she learned their   her story. In conclusion, Judge Beckerman
            audience. [Please see story on page 5.]  personal stories over lunch. Anne Milligan   told the audience that her gift of the
              Next, Judge Beckerman and four   of Fisher Phillips LLP, Andrea Thompson   season was hope.
            women she invited to tell their personal   and Jennifer Martin, both Lewis & Clark   Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum con-
            stories  delivered  the  keynote  address.   law students, and Kristin Tierney, an   cluded the event by leading the audience
            Judge Beckerman noted that the theme   author, each shared her deeply personal   in singing “Let There Be Peace on Earth.”
            for this year’s Queen’s Bench luncheons   struggle to overcome adversity and reach   Gloria Trainor is a family law and personal
            was “We can do more,” a theme that   success and achievement nonetheless.   injury attorney at Summer Trainor PC in
            inspired  her to ask herself what more   The audience was deeply moved by the   Portland.

              In 2016 Queen’s Bench moved its annual
                law student networking event out of
                doors, to O’Bryant Square in Portland.
              There, on October 23, a group of 50 law
                students and Queen’s Bench members
             served 500 warm meals to people in need.
                  Participants included (left to right):
             Top: Lewis & Clark law students
              Laney Ellisor, Martha Izenson,
               and Ann Marie Schmidt with
                  Judge Stacie Beckerman;
                 Bottom: Lewis & Clark law                                           Queen’s Bench board member Rima
               student Mieke DeVrind with                                            Ghandour was awarded the Muslim
                     Kate von Ter Stegge;                                          Educational Trust’s Community Service
                 Lewis & Clark law students                                       Award at a ceremony on November 12,
                       Pendrey Trammel,                                               cheered on by other OWLS leaders.
                       Lawrence Pittman,                                         Shown above are Rima Ghandour (right)
                        and Katie Devlin.                                                         and Iayesha Smith.

            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 15                                         WINTER 2017
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