Page 16 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Winter 2017
P. 16

OWLS Foundation Congratulates

                        the 2016 Armonica Grant Recipients

                                                        By Trudy Allen

                  he OWLS Foundation (OWLF) is   est Law Project, helping to raise funds
                  pleased to congratulate 2016’s   for students who want to work with
            Trecipients of the Armonica Law   underserved communities. She has also
            Student Grant, which awards $1,000 for   clerked at a civil rights law firm. Laura is
            textbook costs to each of six 3L students   paired with U.S. Magistrate Judge Stacie
            attending the three Oregon law schools   Beckerman.
            who can demonstrate a commitment to   Tessa Copeland, also at Lewis & Clark
            the Foundation’s goals through their   Law School, has been active in numerous
            personal volunteer or educational experi-  activities that promote the OWLS mission,
            ence. This grant program also matches   such as diversity work at the law school
            each recipient with a judge, who will be   and both pro bono work and board
            a mentor for the student for the year.   service for immigration-related organiza-
            The 2016 recipients are Jen Penaherrera,   tions. Her mentor is Multnomah County   Ted Kulongoski, then a justice
            Angela Rico, Laura Koistinen, Tessa   Circuit Court Judge Adrienne Nelson.  on the Oregon Supreme Court,
            Copeland, Gabriela Perez-Mendoza, and                                and Armonica Gilford in 1997
            Bailey Moody.
              Jen Penaherrera,  who  is  attending                                 OWLF thanks this year’s mentor-judges
            the University of Oregon School of Law,                              for their service and support of the Ar-
            is a 2016–2017 Wayne Morse Fellow.                                   monica Grant program. Special thanks go
            She is using that opportunity to frame                               to Judge Adrienne Nelson, who is serving
            a discussion around intersectionality,                               as a mentor for the ninth time and was
            an area about which she is passionate.                               one of the first mentors when this grant
            Her mentor is Lane County Circuit Court                              program started in 2007.
            Judge Josephine Mooney.                                                Members of the OWLF board and
              Angela Rico, also at UO Law, believes                              advisory board gathered with recipi-
            strongly in the importance of giving back,                           ents and judges at three events in late
            having experienced the help and support                              November and early December to cele-
                                              Magistrate Judge Stacie Beckerman (left)   brate the Armonica Grant recipients in
                                              and Laura Koistinen                Eugene, Portland, and Salem. Pictured
                                                                                 here are two of the recipients with their
                                                Gabriela Perez-Mendoza, at Willa-  mentor-judges at the event in Portland.
                                              mette University College of Law, always   During this event Judges Eve Miller and
                                              dreamed of becoming a lawyer, but   Adrienne Nelson both talked about their
                                              achieving this dream is just the beginning.   personal recollections and warm admira-
                                              She is committed to doing legal work in   tion for Armonica Gilford, for whom the
                                              service of immigrant populations and   grant is named.
                                              the indigenous peoples of the world,   Armonica was the first black woman
                                              in pursuit of human rights and dignity.   to serve as an assistant attorney general
                                              She is paired with Marion County Circuit   in the Oregon Department of Justice.
                                              Court Judge Cheryl Pellegrini.     She was the recipient of OWLS’ Judge
            Judge Eve Miller (left) and Angela Rico  Bailey Moody, also at Willamette, is   Mercedes Deiz Award in 1997. She served
            of many others on her own journey. She   president of two organizations at the   on the OWLF board from 1998 to 2004.
            is active in specialty bars and nonprofits   law school, the Women’s Law Caucus and   After she died in October 2005, due to
            serving immigrant communities. She is   OUTLAWs, the LGBTQ law student orga-  complications from a car accident, the
            paired with Clackamas County Circuit   nization. She currently works in the area   grant was created as a memorial, to hon-
            Court Judge Eve Miller.           of indigent criminal defense and hopes   or her many professional and personal
              Laura Koistinen, at Lewis & Clark Law   to continue with similar work serving   contributions to the community.
            School, was inspired by her mother to   her community upon graduation. Her   Trudy Allen has retired from the practice
            pursue education at almost any cost. She   mentor is Oregon Supreme Court Justice   of law. She is the historian and secretary
            is a board member for the Public Inter-  Lynn Nakamoto.              of the OWLS Foundation.

                    For more information about the OWLS Foundation, please visit
              For more information about OWLS chapters and activities, please visit

            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 16                                         WINTER 2017
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