Page 11 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Winter 2017
P. 11

regon’s 2017 legislative session                               $246.5 million of bonding authority
                  started with organizational days                               and $1.1 million of general fund dollars
           Oon January 9 and will end no                                         for courthouse replacement and con-
            later than July 10. The legislature will                             struction.  The  legislature  asked  Chief
            be grappling with a variety of complex                               Justice Balmer to develop a timeline of
            challenges due to a substantial budget                               prioritized projects for consideration by
            shortfall of $1.8 billion and several pro-                           the legislature. The list includes complet-
            posals addressing statewide issues. Expect                           ing the Multnomah County Courthouse
            to see debates about transportation                                  and building new courthouses in Hood
            and infrastructure, revenue, affordable                              River, Clackamas, and Lane Counties. In
            housing, PERS, education, and health care   By Susan E. Grabe        addition, these funds will support seismic
            funding during the session. Proposals will   The Oregon State Bar’s priorities for   and system upgrades for the Oregon Su-
            also surface that may affect the practice   2017 are funding for the courts (including   preme Court building as well as general
            of law, such as changes to family law,   eCourt maintenance and court facilities),   improvement projects.
            business formation, juvenile law, and the   indigent defense, and low-income legal   Oregon  eCourt.  The  Oregon  eCourt
            criminal justice system.          services. The bar also has a package of   project spanned eight years (2008–2016),
              Despite the national sweep by the   law improvement bills sponsored by dif-  cost $91 million, and was completed on
            Republican Party, Oregon stayed firmly in   ferent bar groups and the OSB Board of   time and under budget—a huge success
            Democratic control. Oregonians retained   Governors. See the website for details.  in the world of state technology projects.
            Kate  Brown,  a  Democrat,  as  governor   The  Citizen’s  Campaign  for  Court   Final implementation occurred in August
            and maintained a Democratic majority   Funding, led by Ed Harnden and Peter   2016 with the move to mandatory efiling
            in both the House and the Senate. The   Bragdon, has been reinstituted. The goal   statewide. The transition to eCourt also
            Democrats hold an edge in the House,   is to mobilize members of the Oregon   envisions the use  of more interactive
            35–25, although Democrats are one   State Bar and members of the business   forms in the future. In the 2017 session,
            vote shy of a supermajority needed to   community to advocate for court funding.  OJD will be requesting $10.7 million in
            pass tax and revenue measures. In the   The  Oregon  Judicial  Department’s   other funds to cover the cost of main-
            Senate, the Republicans picked up one   (OJD’s) top priorities include these:  taining the Oregon eCourt system. How
            seat, to be filled by Alan DeBoer, after a   •  Maintenance of the Current Ser-  those funds will be generated, whether
            hotly contested race for the seat held by   vice Level budget        from the general fund, filing fees, or a
            the late Dr. Alan Bates, in Medford. The   •  Maintenance of Oregon eCourt   mix of filing fees and general fund, is yet
            result is 17 Democrats and 13 Republicans   •  Judicial compensation  to be determined.
            in the Senate, also one vote shy of the   •  Nine new judgeships       Indigent Defense. The bar has sup-
            supermajority needed to pass revenue   •  Safe courthouse facilities  ported a resolution to ensure funding
            measures or increase taxes.         The OJD’s other budget priorities in-  to maintain current services for indigent
              The numbers in the House and Senate                                defense, as well as fair compensation and
            set the stage for serious negotiations on   clude improving court services to children   reduced caseloads for attorneys repre-
                                              and families, adequately funding the
            revenue and policy issues in 2017. The   courts’ collection of unpaid fines and fees,   senting parents and children. The Public
            defeat of ballot measure 97 (the proposed   continuing the operation of drug courts   Defense Services Commission has testified
            25% corporate tax increase) and the need   statewide, and staffing the Supreme   that it would need an additional $13.3
            for a transportation package reinforce   Court’s fairness and outreach efforts.  million this biennium (a 5.2% increase)
            the need to find common ground to re-  Governor  Brown’s  recommended   due to an unanticipated increase in cases
            solve issues important to all Oregonians.   budget was released in December with   in the system. The legislature’s Emergency
            The fact that Speaker Tina Kotek has   a general fund allocation for the judicial   Board approved $4 million for trial-level
            named two Republicans as chairs of Ways   branch that is $1.04 million lower than   defense work and death penalty cases.
            and Means subcommittees demonstrates   requested. This is because the governor   The 2017 session will also address other
            that compromise is possible.      must submit a balanced budget even   issues that lawyers care about, including
              In the November 2016 election, three   though  she  does  not  have  budgetary   Medicaid expansion, revenue-raising pro-
            legally trained candidates were elected to   authority over the judicial branch. The   posals, and proposals from the Attorney
            statewide office, and nine were elected   final funding decision will be made by   General’s Office regarding public records,
            to the Oregon House of Representatives.   the legislature toward the end of session.   student loans, the Oregon Evidence
            Governor Kate Brown is a former family   To that end, the bar will have a Day at   Code, and telephone testimony. Other
            law attorney, legislator, and secretary of   the Capitol during the session, which will   issues will include another run at legis-
            state. Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum,   focus on educating legislators about the   lation regarding grand juries and some
            formerly a trial judge and judge on the   need to fund the courts, indigent defense,   modifications in view  of the Supreme
            Oregon Court of Appeals, was reelected.   and low-income legal services.  Court’s  Horton decision, which limited
            Dennis Richardson, a retired trial attorney                          the recovery of noneconomic damages
            and former state legislator, was elected   Upcoming Policy and Budget Issues  in tort claims.
            as Oregon secretary of state.       Several issues to be addressed by the   Stay tuned for legislative developments
              Two new legally trained legislators   legislature will specifically affect lawyers.   of concern to the bar by subscribing
            will join the House of Representatives:   The $1.8 billion budget shortfall is one.   to the OSB Capitol Insider. You can do
            Karin Power (Milwaukie) and Richard   Others include funding for courthouses   that by modifying your communication
            Vial (Wilsonville). For a complete list of   and maintaining Oregon eCourt.  preferences on your member dashboard.
            legally trained legislators, visit  www.  Courthouse Construction. The Oregon   Susan E. Grabe is the public affairs direc-
               Judicial Department (OJD) will ask for   tor at the Oregon State Bar.
            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 11                                         WINTER 2017
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