Page 8 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Winter 2017
P. 8

Eugene Event Inspires the Next Generation of Lawyers

                                                       By Rebecca Ivanoff
                  n October 7, Lane County Women
                  Lawyers joined with the Honor-
           Oable Ann Aiken of the U.S. District
            Court, the UO Law School’s Center for
            Career Planning and Professional Devel-
            opment, the UO Women’s Law Forum,
            and the Federal Bar Association to present
            “The Art of the Possible: Harnessing Cre-
            ativity, Courage, and Grit to Blaze a Path
            to Professional Happiness.” Designed to
            inspire law students and new lawyers to                                        At the event, clockwise from
            think courageously and creatively about                                        top left: Mariann Hyland,
            their future careers, the event featured                                       Hon. Ann Aiken,
            19 dynamic women from a wide range                                             Dr. Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh,
            of practice areas and professions. It also                                     Dr. Carol Pratt, Hon. Karen
            served to recognize  and welcome  the                                          Overstreet, Elisa Dozono,
            Honorable Jolie Russo as Lane County’s                                         Patty Perlow, Beth Heckert,
            newest federal magistrate judge and to                                         Kelsie McDaniel
            celebrate Patty Perlow, Lane County’s first   nationally recognized thought leader on   passion as a guide for creating deeply
            elected female district attorney.  alternative fee arrangements, served as   meaningful work.
              The recently installed art exhibit at   the keynote speaker during lunch. Her   The afternoon’s three panels included
            the Wayne L. Morse U.S. Courthouse   address, entitled “A Worthy Journey De-  judges, law firm partners, government
            provided a beautiful backdrop for the   fies All Maps,” set an inspirational tone   attorneys, higher-education administra-
            afternoon’s events, which began with   for the afternoon’s panel presentations   tors, lobbyists, entrepreneurs, nonprofit
            over  180  attendees  enjoying  a  hosted   by encouraging attendees to work hard,   directors, and law professors. Panelists
            lunch  and  opening  remarks  by  Judge   develop strong professional relationships,   shared valuable insights on ways to
            Aiken. Nicole Auerbach, a founding   and always remain open to new and   attain personal and professional hap-
            partner of Valorem Law Group and a   unexpected opportunities to use one’s   piness. Their advice touched on a range
                                                                                 of topics including (1) the importance of
                                                                                 maintaining balance and engaging in self-
                                                                                 care; (2) the value in developing strong
                                                                                 mentor relationships; (3) the benefit of
                                                                                 serving one’s community; and (4) the
                                                                                 necessity of being willing to move con-
                                                       Lisa Amato
                                                 Lisa Amato                      fidently toward opportunities that align
                                                                                 with one’s passions, even if that means
                                                                                 taking a pay cut or involves a challenge
                                                                                 that feels intimidating.
                                                                                   Following the panel presentations, a
                                                 Exclusively                     reception featuring food and drink from
                                                                                 local businesses offered an opportunity
                                                 Dispute Resolution Services     for attendees to connect with colleagues
                                                       Dispute Resolution Services
                                                                                 while appreciating art from several
                                                 Mediation                       Oregon-based artists. Judge Aiken closed
                                                 Arbitration                     the event by honoring Judge Russo and
                                                                                 Ms. Perlow, and by expressing her ap-
                                                                                 preciation for the honest and inspiring
                                                                                 comments offered by each of the speak-
                                                       LISA AMATO MATO
                                                 LISA A                          ers. Feedback revealed that “The Art of
                                                       Amato Mediation
                                                 Amato Mediation                 the Possible” was a powerful event for
                                                                                 law students and seasoned attorneys
                                                 520 SW Yamhill, Suite 1015      alike, leaving many feeling energized
                                                       520 SW Yamhill, Suite 1015
                                                       Portland, OR  97204
                                                 Portland, OR  97204             about the possibilities that exist within
                                                                                 our profession.
                                                 503.789.3262                    Rebecca Ivanoff is an associate director
                                                 for career planning and professional
                                                development at the University of Oregon
                                                                                 School of Law, and she is a member of the
                                                                                 Lane County Women Lawyers’ Steering
            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 8                                          WINTER 2017
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