Page 5 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Winter 2017
P. 5

Judge Julie Frantz & Kasia Rutledge to Be Honored

                  at Roberts & Deiz Awards Dinner on March 10

                                                       By Florence Z. Mao
            J  udge Julie Frantz of the Multnomah

               County Circuit Court has been select-
               ed to receive the 2017 Justice Betty
            Roberts Award for the promotion of
            women in the law and the community.
            Kasia Rutledge, an attorney with the
            Metropolitan Public Defender in Port-
            land, will receive the Judge Mercedes
            Deiz Award for the promotion of minori-
            ties in the law and the community. The
            award recipients will be honored at the                                                               Photo: Dreams in Bloom Photography
            25th Roberts & Deiz Awards celebration
            on Friday, March 10, at the Portland Art
              The Justice Betty Roberts Award honors
            any Oregon-licensed attorney who has
            made an outstanding contribution to   Kasia Rutledge (left) and Judge Julie Frantz will receive OWLS awards on March 10.
            promoting women in the legal profession
            and  the  community.  Upon  graduating   the I Have a Dream Foundation. She has   Kasia works tirelessly to promote di-
            from Stanford University and Lewis &   delivered meals for Meals on Wheels for   versity, and she uses her voice effectively
            Clark Law School, Judge Frantz began   almost 20 years.              to speak out for—without speaking
            her legal career at the Metropolitan   Judge Frantz is described as passionate,   over—underrepresented groups in the
            Public Defender, where she represented   devoted, and inspiring, traits that were   legal community and beyond. Colleagues
            and tried cases on behalf of indigent   also admired in Justice Betty Roberts.   and mentees agree that Kasia’s incredible
            clients. Five years later she joined the civil   Thus, it is with great honor that OWLS   ability to listen, learn, and care deeply
            litigation firm known today as Schulte   presents Judge Julie Frantz with the 2017   about others allows her to build strong
            Anderson Downes Aronson & Bittner,   Justice Betty Roberts Award.    relationships and become an effective ally
            where she became the firm’s first female   The Judge Mercedes Deiz Award rec-  to minorities, people with disabilities, and
            shareholder. In 1992 she became the first   ognizes any Oregon-licensed attorney   the LGBTQ community. Kasia’s mentees
            woman president of the Oregon State Bar.   who has made an outstanding contri-  say that she is “a prime example of law-
              Judge Frantz left private practice in   bution to promoting minorities in the   yering with love” and always takes time
            1993, when she was appointed to the   legal profession and the community.   to mentor young attorneys at her office
            Multnomah County District Court. The   After graduating from the University of   by helping them process the difficult
            following year she was appointed to the   Missouri, Kasia Rutledge went to Lewis   emotional aspects of their work. More
            Multnomah County Circuit Court, where   & Clark Law School, and while there, she   seasoned attorneys are inspired by Kasia’s
            she served as chief criminal judge for 18   clerked at the Oregon Law Center and the   devotion to raising awareness on issues
            years and continues to promote access to   Federal Public Defender’s Office. After   regarding racial and social privileges to
            justice. In 2014–2015 she was president   graduating, Kasia went to work at the   build a stronger legal community that
            of the National Association of Women   Metropolitan Public Defender, where she   celebrates diversity.
            Judges. Like Justice Betty Roberts, Judge   currently advocates for indigent clients   Judge Mercedes Deiz made an inspiring
            Frantz is a trailblazer for women in the   charged with misdemeanors and felonies.  contribution to promoting minorities in
            legal profession.                   Outside of her demanding day job,   the legal profession and the community.
              Judge Frantz continues Justice Roberts’s   Kasia engages in community outreach   Kasia’s colleagues and mentees say she
            tradition of serving as a role model and   on  many  levels.  She  speaks  at  numer-  goes above and beyond to lift under-
            mentor for female lawyers. Her peers   ous events and trainings in Oregon and   represented members of our community
            say that she has never said no to young   around the country to highlight problems   and the legal profession. OWLS thanks
            female lawyers and law students when   that disproportionately affect people   Kasia for helping to advance our mission
            they ask for advice and support. Those   of color in the criminal justice system.   of promoting women and minorities in
            who have appeared before her describe   Through Opportunities for Law in Oregon   the law, and it is with honor that the
            her as fair, caring, and respectful, as well   (OLIO) and the OSB New Lawyer Mentor-  organization presents the 2017 Judge
            as a judge who works tirelessly to open   ing Program, she mentors minority law   Mercedes Deiz Award to Kasia Rutledge
            doors of opportunity for female lawyers.   students and new attorneys by creating   for her outstanding work promoting
            They admire her ability to balance her   safe and inclusive environments in which   minorities in the law and the community.
            professional life while being fully present   their voices can be heard. Examples in-
            as a mother of two children. Outside the   clude hosting annual Thanksgiving feasts   Florence Z. Mao serves as a judicial law
            legal community, Judge Frantz serves on   at her home and organizing on-campus   clerk for Judge Karin J. Immergut at the
            the boards of Habit for Humanity and   barbecues for students of color.   Multnomah County Circuit Court.

            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 5                                          WINTER 2017
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