Page 19 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 19

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

                                    Types of Variables

               According to statistical procedures, there are mainly two types of

               1.      Dependent  Variable:  The  dependent  variable  is  the
                       outcome  of  interest,  which  should  change  in  response  to
                       some intervention (i.e., Treatment effect).

               2.      Independent  Variable:  The  independent  variable  is  the
                       intervention, or what is being manipulated (i.e., Treatment
                       or intervention).

               1.      Example  -  1:  Examine  the  impact  of  using  cooperative
                       teaching methods versus using lecture teaching methods in
                       science achievements score at secondary level.

                       a.     Independent variable: teaching method

                       b.     Dependent variable: science achievements  scores

               Explanation:  Because  science  achievement  scores  depend  upon
               teaching  method.  Teaching  method  is  independent;  it  does  not
               depend on science achievements scores.

               2.      Example  -  2:  Do  high  school  males  report  greater
                       participation  in  risky  health-related  behaviors  than  high
                       school females?

                       a.     Independent variable: gender (male or female)

                       b.     Dependent  variable:  amount  of  participation  in
                              risky health-related behavior

               Explanation:  Amount  of  participation  in  risky  health-related
               behavior depends upon gender (either male or female).

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           3
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