Page 20 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 20

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

                                       Types of Data

               1.      Quantitative / Continuous Data

                       Quantitative  Data  are  the  data  with  levels  indicating
                       different  amounts.  A  higher  score  indicates  more  of  the
                       variable than a lower score. Continuous data may take an
                       infinite number of value or within a defined range.

                       Examples:  height,  weight,  age,  time,  temperature,  blood
                       pressure, student marks, number of students in class.

               2.      Qualitative / Categorical Data

                       Categorical  data  have  values  that  can  assume  only  whole
                       numbers  or  a  fixed  number  of  outcomes.  These  variables
                       are  with  levels  indicating  different  kinds  and  it  can  have
                       limited set of values.


                       Examples:  gender  (either  male  or  female),  political
                       affiliation, Qualification (Graduate, Master, Ph.D),  hair/eye
                       color, Socio-economic status (Poor, middle class, rich, elite).

                        Variables  which  hold  qualitative/  categorical  data  are
                        called  qualitative/  categorical  variables.  Likewise,
                        Variables  which  hold  quantitative  /  continuous  data  are
                        called quantitative / continuous variables.

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           4
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