Page 21 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 21

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

                                 Scales of Measurement

               1.      Nominal Scale

               Nominal scale is used for grouping or categorizing data when order
               does not matter. A nominal variable consists of named categories,
               with  no  implied  order  among  the  categories.  Numbers  serve  as
               labels and do not indicate any quantitative relationship.

               1.      Examples:
               1.      Have condition X or not
               2.      Gender (M/F vs. 0/1) [coding is common]
               3.      Hair/eye color
               4.      Teaching Method X vs Teaching Method Y
               5.      Marital status

               6.      Ordinal Scale

                       An  ordinal  variable  consists  of  ordered  categories  where
                       the distance between the categories cannot be considered
                       to be equal. Ordinal variable indicates rank order.
               7.      Examples:
               1.      Letter grades (A, B, …)
               2.      Evaluations (Excellent, …, Poor)
               3.      Places finishing a race (1 , 2 , …)
               4.      birth order, Olympic medals, Likert scale

               5.      Interval Scale

                       An interval variable has equal distances between values,
                       but the zero point is arbitrary. The numbers serve as scores

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           5
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