Page 27 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 27

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

               1.  Descriptive Statistics

               Descriptive  statistics  deals  with  the  organization,  tabulation,
               summarization, and presentation of data.

               Examples:  Charts,  graphs,  summarizing  with  numbers,  frequency

               Descriptive statistics allows us to describe particular characteristics
               of a set of data. It can be further divided into two categories:

               1.      Central Tendency (how similar data are)
               1.      Mean = average score
               2.      Mode = category with highest frequency
               3.      Median = middle category or score

               4.      Dispersion (how dissimilar data are)
                       1.            Range  =  difference  between  highest  and
                   lowest scores
                       2.            Standard deviation = Measure of variability;
                   involves deviations of scores from mean
                       3.            Variance = square of standard deviation
                       4.            Percentile and quartile

               2.  Inferential Statistics

               Inferential Statistics allows us to generalize from our sample of data
               to a larger group of subjects and to infer our findings to the general
               population.  Inferential  statistics  provides  procedures  to  test  the
               research  hypothesis.  For  example,  all  significance  tests  such  as  t-
               test,  ANOVA,  regression  analysis  and  multivariate  analysis  are
               inferential statistics. Inferential Statistics is used to determine the
               probability that a conclusion based on analysis is true. Later chapter
               will discuss inferential statistics in details.

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           11
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