Page 32 - Quantitative Data Analysis
P. 32

Quantitative Data Analysis
                                              Simply Explained Using SPSS

                                 Measures of Dispersion

               A measure of dispersion (variability) is also a descriptive statistic
               that refers to how closely the data cluster around (or how spread
               out around) some measure of central tendency.
               1.      Range

                   Range is the difference between the highest and lowest values

                   Formula:  Range = maximum - minimum

               2.      Percentile

                       a.     The k  percentile is the value such that k% of the
                              ordered data falls at or below the value.

                       b.     Location:

                       c.     Note: L is the location of the k  percentile, not the
                              value of the percentile.

               3.      Quartile

                       a.     The quartiles divide the ordered data into four
                              equal groupings.

                       b.     Each quartile (Q 1 , Q 2, and Q 3) marks the 25%, 50%,
                              and 75% percentiles of the data, respectively.

               The Theory and Applications of Statistical Inferences           16
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