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Academy Uniform
and Equipment Expectations
At Waterhead Academy we place an emphasis of pride in our community.
A visible indication of this is in the standard of students’ uniform. Many
visitors have also commented on the impressive standard of uniform at
the Academy. Please read below to clarify what the Academy uniform
should be in accordance with our Behaviour Policy, Appendix 1, to ensure
that your son/daughter is fully prepared in correct uniform.
TROUSERS - Boys & Girls Black School Trousers
SKIRTS - Smart, plain black school skirts
It is exam season and as I write this column, our students are approaching must be knee length. If tights are worn,
the half way point of their GCSE exams. We wish them every success. they must be minimum 40 denier
The next edition of the Chronicle will feature the Year 11 prom and leavers
assembly. We look forward to sharing the pictures and memories! I am SHIRTS - White shirt with top TIES - The school tie must be
pleased to report the appointment of Mrs Walsh Higher Level Teaching button and collar. Top button worn smartly with the top
Assistant in EAL and Mr Scholes Teacher of Science. I am delighted to report must be fastened and shirt must button of the shirt done up.
that our sports teams have been enjoying great success. Our Year 7 football be tucked in all the way round.
team became Oldham Champions, our Year 8 football team won
the Manchester United Regional Tournament and reached the Oldham MAKE-UP - Only Year 10 and 11 are
Champions final. In addition the Academy has won a National Award for its allowed to wear subtle make-up.
approach to inclusivity. The Accord Award is judged annually and awarded
to the school that has made the biggest impact nationally on a community. JEWELLERY - Other than a watch, no jewellery may be
We are delighted to have been chosen and I would like to thank Mrs Taylor, worn, apart from one small pair of plain studs.
Mr Wilson and Mr Fletcher in particular for their great work on the different One plain nose stud is permitted, however rings, chains,
aspects of our approach. NOSE rings, tongue or eyebrow piercings must not be
worn for health and safety reasons.
I want to take this opportunity to make our expectations clear to all students
HAIRSTYLES - Hair must be a natural colour, even if dyed.
and families as we continue to drive for excellence. Many, many of our
Hairbands and headscarves / clips must be plain navy or black.
students demonstrate these habits which (if demonstrated daily add up to
NO lines shaved in eyebrows or hair, NO extreme hair colours.
success) make up the attitudes to learning that we will report back on in our
reports home moving forward. The following standards are also based upon
SHOES - Both boys & girls shoes must be plain
employability skills, that if followed instil the basics required to be successful
black and leather which can be polished.
in the workplace.
Students must take responsibility, show determination and try to be Sensible, waterproof coats
successful; should be removed as soon
1 Develop and stick to a good routine, punctual to school and classes, have as students enter the building.
the right uniform and equipment, including bag, pens pencils, ruler, planner Caps must not be worn.
and PE kit - with little need for adult intervention. (Please note, trainers,
SCHOOL BAGS - School bag to
jeans,hoodies, caps, facial jewellery (clear plastic stud acceptable), extreme
be big enough to carry an A4
hair styles/colours are not permitted).
book/folder and PE kit.
2 Ensure mobile phones and earphones are turned off before entering
Accessories: a. Academy planner / b. Black pen
school and are not seen during the day.
c. Red pen / d. Pencil / e. Ruler / f. Rubber
3 Not chew gum in the Academy or in classes.
We believe firmly that if our students are smartly dressed in a uniform
4 Behave responsibly and safely on the way to from and while at school,
consistent with Academy Policy, they will be prepared for work in the
including keeping our school and wider community clean and tidy.
classroom. Please do not purchase any item that is not in line with
5 Cooperate with others and show adults and peers respect, speak politely,
Academy Uniform expectations, as outlined above. In addition, your
show good manners and show care.
son/daughter has had the above message in Assembly and Form Time.
6 Be on task in lessons and complete work set in the lesson.
7 Ensure class work and home-learning is well presented and
If your uniform does not comply with the above stipulations, it will be
completed to the best of ability
8 Show a positive attitude when facing challenges and ask for help when seen as contravening the Academy’s behaviour policy.
9 Reflect and act upon feedback from teachers. Pupils will not be permitted in mainstream lessons if a uniform breach
10 Read - lots - and have a reading book with them at all times.
occurs and will be instructed to meet the uniform policy. If the uniform
policy is not adhered to and instruction is not followed, the Academy
If your child does not meet these standards, I promise to ensure that we will
inform you so you can support your child in being successful. may issue a fixed term exclusion. We ask for parental support in adhering
to our standards which are widely used in the majority of secondary
Best Wishes
Uniform can be purchased from:
Zutti, 81/83 Yorkshire Street, Oldham, OL1 3ST
or alternatively on-line where they offer free delivery.
They are open 7 days a week and can arrange payment plans.
Repairs and alterations are also free of charge.