Page 3 - Waterhead NEW 8pp Newsletter bi monthly
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Recently, I had the great pleasure of taking two of our
students to the Oldham Student of the Year Awards
where they were presented with their Student of the
Year Certificates by the Mayor of Oldham, Javid Iqbal.
It was lovely to see both girls acknowledged for the
outstanding contributions they make to the
academy, their families and the communities in which
they live, in addition to the resilience and determination
they demonstrate on a daily basis in their academic
Kindest regards,
Clare Townshend
The Mayor of Oldham, Javid Iqbal with Waterhead Academy’s
Oldham Student of the Year Award winners, proudly showing their
Blood Brothers workshop
Our Year 11 students took part in revision workshops with the reputable
theatre company Stage Ed!
All students were able to take part during the day making sure that
they are fully equipped for their closed book Literature examination
on 23�� May
Mike Southern who has played various characters on the West End took
them on a journey through the play making links to key themes, quotations
and ideas. His feed back about the students was excellent.
Well Done Year 11
Miss Wilks
“We've delivered Performance Workshops and Revision Workshops over the past couple of years and it's been a pleasure. The students
tend to enjoy the Performance Workshops as they are entertained and don't have to actively participate - but there is no hiding in the
revision workshops as they have to graft! I genuinely felt that the 6 groups we worked with over the course of the day were exceptional,
and a credit to the school. There is a drama element to our delivery which can potentially put students out of their comfort zone - but
none of the students at the Academy shy away. If anything I believe this current Year 11 are more focused and engaged than last years
- and that is a testament to them as last years were great and lovely to work with. Thank you to all of the participants - they have left
a great impression and we wish them all the very best in the exams”.
Mike Southern @StageEd