Page 18 - PowerPoint Sunusu
P. 18
klebstoffe montage technik !
Silikon Sealant neutral curing for high Professionals
DIN EN 4108-7 Adhesion DIN EN 26927 Elastic
Art. - Nr. Contents Packaging
200 000 900 310ml/g 1/25
Special properties : Instructions :
• ALL-IN-ONE silicone is thus appropriate for mirror • The surfaces of the workpieces to be bonded
connection joints, sealings on marble, natural stones, must be dry, and free from dust and grease.
metals (with minimized corrosion), alkaline substrates • The workpieces must be fit together and
and joints subject to humidity and dirt Marmor- und pressed within the skinning time After they have
natursteinverträglich been fit together,
• Free from acid, lye and plasticizers • the parts must be fixed and pressed until
• Shower-proof after 2 hours functional strength has been reached.
• Appropriate for alkaline substrates
• High-temperature resistance up to 220°C
• Weather-resistant; Light-fast and UV resistant
• With antifungal protection Application temperature +5˚C - 45˚C
• Appropriate for wet rooms Material moisture % 8-10
160/200 g/m² (depending
Applied quantity
Fields of applications : on material)
DIN 18545 Gruppe D - ISO 11600 G - 25 HM
• Sealing and expansion joints
VDI 6022 - ISO 846 A, B, C
• Sanitary and wet room ; Kitchen VSG-Glaseignung (IFT RL DI-02/1) Reinraumeignung
• Window and glass construction - LSG glass
• Construction joints Prüfung und Einstufung nach
• Interior work EN15651-1 Fassade: INT/EXT 25LM CC
• Marble and natural stones Mirror connection joints EN15651-2 Glas : 25LM CC
• Metal and container construction EN15651-3 Sanitär: XS1
• Building connection joints; Roofs and walls EN15651-4 Bodenfungen : INT/EXT 25LM CC
Die angegebenen Daten wurden unter Laborbedingungen bei 20°C /60% RLF ermittelt.
Technical Data : Die Werte können unter anderen Rahmenbedingungen abweichen.
Based Silikonpolymer/neutralvernetzend Technical Data
color transparent, white, beige, black
Absorption of movement %25 MSDS
Skin formation ca 8-20 min. (bei +20 °C, 50 % r. F)
Change of volume <5% Our user instructions, processing guidelines, product-
and performance data, and other technical statements
Shore-A-Hardness ca. 25 +/-5 are only general directives; they describe only the
condition of our products (values, determination of
density (20°C/68°F): ca. 1,02-1,04 values on the date of completion) and the
Heat resistance -60˚C / +220˚C performances do not represent a warranty.