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Managing Anxiety in
the Endemic Stage
Malaysia has transitioned into the endemic phase since Ajahn Chah once said that when the mind is anxious, we
April 1, 2022. This is an exit strategy to enable all of should realize that nothing is certain in life. Uncertainty
us to return to almost normal life after two years of and change are realities of our existence, and thinking
struggling with Covid-19. The decision was made after that things should be otherwise adds unnecessary fear
taking into account several factors, having conducted to our lives – we create suffering for ourselves. Part
the necessary risk assessment such as the number of of making peace with our reality, no matter what, is
people having received two rounds of vaccinations and to accept impermanence, lack of control, uncertainty,
a booster jab, and advice from the Ministry of Health. and unpredictability. That is the very nature of our
However, many people I met over the past few months existence.
continued to be filled with fear and anxiety about been
infected by Covid-19, especially some discomfort at Another important Buddhist practice is when thoughts
the thought of returning to the interpersonal sphere of of anxiety, fear, or even anger arise, we should replace
social interactions and back to work at the office. such thoughts with their opposites. This is clearly
So how can we address this anxiety issue among many explained by the Buddha in the Vitakka-saṇṭhāna Sutta,
of us? MN 20. When we replace these negative mental states
with positive ones, the result will be a calm and peaceful
Psychologists will suggest various tools to overcome our mind.
anxiety. One method is to develop incremental exposure
to overcome our anxiety. Rather than jumping back into The Buddha taught us to focus on learning to be with
our life as if the pandemic is totally gone and start to fear rather than trying to conceal it. One of the oldest
mingle with everybody, we begin by connecting with Buddhist teachings found in the Upajjhatthana Sutta,
those who are in our inner circle. These are people we AN 5.57, is the five daily recollections: I’m of the nature
know well and feel safe and comforting to be around. to grow old, become sick, to die, to be separated from
Starting with this small group, we can then slowly reach those I love and all that I own, and that I own all of my
out to other individuals, and finally to expand our social actions. But we could add to that list, “I am of the nature
circle to include, eventually, even situations that trigger to be anxious at times.” Rather than view it as a mistake
some nervousness or discomfort. or something to be ashamed of, this is just another part
of being human. By being aware of this nature of reality,
The second method, which is also part of Buddhist we can live life with much calmness and peace.
practice, is to be aware of our anxiety and its nature.