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16     特 别 报 告

            此次研讨会聚焦三大议题。第一个议题为“佛教在工                           印总住持觉诚法师及吉隆玻菩提工作坊坊长蔡锦程居
            业4.0的未来发展”,由马佛青总会会务顾问王书优                          士主讲。杨康晖居士为主持人。
            执行长何日生博士主讲。主持人为吴青松居士。                             闭幕礼上,研讨会筹委会主席陈永鑫表示,在过去几
            第二个议题“后疫情时代的弘法模式”,则由马佛青                           转移线上,包括卫塞节、演唱会、讲座会和研讨会。
            心灯心理咨询顾问继持法师及台湾圆道禅院主持见辉                           他说,在转型之际,大家也要不断探讨是否有提升个
            法师主讲。针对此议题,大会也安排了一场特别的分                           人修行、管理方式、弘法模式,以及人力资源是否有
            享会,分享嘉宾为中国北京龙泉寺执行长贤然法师及                           更年轻化。
            翰居士主持。                                            世界佛教青年联谊会会长村山博雅致闭幕词时表示,
            第三个议题则是“大马佛教的人力资源发展和整合”                           后疫情的趋势。全球疫情加速这个时代善用科技的脚
            ,由马来西亚佛教总会总务继尊法师、佛光山新马泰                           步,同时为佛教掀开新的推动序幕。

            Dr. Ong See Yew explained the trend of Industry 4.0.
            After 3 years, YBAM once again held the International   new  buildings  and  high-tech  equipment  but  also
            Contemporary Buddhist Seminar 2021. This two-day   the concern for contemporary issues. He hoped that
            online seminar received overwhelming response of   through  this  seminar,  Buddhists  would  be  able  to
            200 local and foreign participants.               enhance their thinking skill and commentary ability.

            Buddhist  activities  have  shifted  from  offline  to   The  Guest  of  Honour  for  the  opening  ceremony  is
            online  during  the  pandemic,  thus  highlighting  the   Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, the founder of Country Heights
            importance  of  technology  in  Dharma  propagation.   Holding Bhd. cum YBAM Lay Patron. He believed that
            The theme of the seminar was ‘the Post-Pandemic   whether in health, body or mind, Buddhist youth can
            Reflection  on  Buddhism’,  focusing  on  the  changing   learn  from Buddhist  scriptures and  the  essence  of
            Buddhist  practices  and  future  development  of   Chinese culture to cope with the current situation.
            Buddhist  organisations  in  the  aftermath  of  the
            pandemic  from  various  perspectives.  The  panel   Venerable Hui Min, the Principal of Taiwan Dharma
            speakers included 11 leading Buddhist scholars and   Drum  Institute  of  Liberal  Arts,  delivered  a  keynote
            reviewers from Taiwan, China, Japan, and Malaysia.  speech  on  ‘the  Post-Pandemic  Reflections  on
                                                              Buddhism’. He hoped that everyone could take this
            At  the  opening  ceremony,  YBAM  President  Yong   epidemic  to  reflect  on  the  situation,  like  a  mirror,
            Kuei Yoong said that the modernisation of Buddhism   not blaming or discriminating against others, lightly
            should  not  only  be  reflected  in  the  appearance  of   offending others, but reflecting on the circumstances
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