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报 告      19

            YBAM  KL/Selangor  SLC  and  Negeri  Sembilan  SLC
            jointly  organised  4 online  sharing  sessions  on
            ‘Organisational  Growth  and  Development  Series’
            between October 2020 and January 2021. The topics
            covered  included  Finance  &  Taxation  Management
            of Religious Organisations, ISO System Management
            of  Religious  Organisations,  Design  Approach  to
            Buddhist Architecture and Digital Marketing Strategy
            and Application.
                                                               Deric Wong shared his knowledge on digital marketing.
            The first session on ‘Finance & Taxation Management
            of  Religious  Organisations’  was  conducted  by  Lim   implementing the system. Chee Poh On emphasised
            Kai Siang, chartered accountant and tax consultant.   that Buddhists should remember our initial intention
            He shared about the procedures on tax registration   of  practising  the  Buddha’s  teachings,  so  as  not  to
            of  religious  organisations,  the  taxation  systems  of   be too formalistic, ignoring the core spirit of system
            religious organisations and charity organisations and   management. A total of 75 participants attended the
            the differences between these two.                sharing session.

            He said that financial reports show the  past financial   The third sharing session entitled ‘Design Approach to
            patterns  of  an  organisation.  If  the  finance  of  an   Buddhist Architecture’ was conducted by professional
            organisation can be adjusted and monitored based   architect Heng Gee Hooi. Heng Gee Hooi brought out
            on the past financial reports, a good budget can be   the design ideas and concepts of Buddhist buildings.
            formulated for the  future.  During  the event,  the   He said that the design of Buddhist buildings must
            organiser  also  held  a  question-and-answer  session   strike a balance between tradition and innovation to
            so  that  the  speaker  could  answer  the  participants'   truly bring out  the  functions  and characteristics  of
            doubts  about  finance  and  taxation.  A  total  of  90   Buddhist buildings.
            participants  from  53  organisations  attended  the
            sharing session.                                  Using  beautiful  presentation  slides,  Heng  Gee
                                                              Hooi  explained  the  factors  to  be  considered  and
            For the sharing session on ‘ISO System Management   procedures  that  should  be  followed  in  designing
            of  Religious  Organisations,  Chee  Poh  On,  Lim   a  Buddhist  monastery  in  Malaysia.  His  wonderful
            Aik  Loong,  and  On  Lily  from  Shah  Alam  Buddhist   presentation greatly benefitted 55 participants in the
            Society were invited as the speakers. Lily shared the   sharing session.
            importance of introducing ISO System Management
            into religious organisations, including standardisation   Deric Wong, the Managing Director of Locus-T Digital
            of operation, financial transparency, etc.        Marketing was the speaker of the final sharing session
                                                              on  ‘Digital  Marketing  Strategy  and  Application’.
            Lim  Aik  Loong  said  that  ISO  System  Management   He  pointed  out  that  digital  marketing  is  currently
            implementation needs to be evaluated and audited   blooming in all sectors. In Southeast Asia, an average
            by  a  third  party.  Therefore,  religious  organisations   of one out of three persons goes online every day.
            should study their internal and external needs before   Therefore,  shifting  from  offline  to  online  digital
                                                              marketing has become a must for every organisation
                                                              or company.

                                                              Deric Wong said many people kept a neutral attitude
                                                              towards  religion.  Therefore,  he  suggested  that
                                                              Buddhist organisations may first share more positive
                                                              Dharma quotes, build a bond subtly, and then let the
                                                              public know the orthodox Buddhism through timely
                                                              marketing strategies. In addition, it is also the hope of
                                                              the organisation that the participants can clarify some
                                                              of  the  myths  and  fallacies  about  digital  marketing
                                                              before implementing the right marketing strategy in
                                                              their own company or organisation. A total of 102
             Lim Aik Loong explained the procedures on application for ISO certification.   participants attended the sharing session.
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