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报 告      23


            Mindfulness Meditation Online Retreat

            日期 Date    :13/11/2020 - 15/11/2020
            地点 Venue  :  线上 Online
            参与人数 Attendees  :  75人 75 people

            马佛青雪隆州联委会和霹雳州联委会于2020年11月                         的禅修体验。
            修”的活动。此次活动共迎来了75名来自全马各地的                          在最后一堂课总结时,继如法师不忘强调行、住、
            佛教徒参与,也非常荣幸邀请了现任美中佛教会主席                           坐、卧皆是修行,勉励学员努力贯穿与结合所有操
            与芝加哥正觉寺住持继如法师担任指导。                                作,透过交叉运用加深自己的体验,把身心安住当
            住、坐、卧与四大元素(地水火风)之间的关系及修                           主办单位也借此修行的因缘,请法师带领大众功德回
            行次第。法师也亲身示范了五式吐纳呼吸运动与易筋                           向予马佛青前全国理事兼前霹雳州联委会主席蔡松
            经养生术,鼓励学员用来强化心肺功能,以达到更好                           强,往生善趣。愿他随着自己的善业,走向光明。

            Venerable demonstrated the five breathing exercises and Yi Jin Jing (Sinew-Transformation Classic) Health Cultivation.
             A  total  of  75  Buddhists  from  all  over  Malaysia   strengthen their cardiopulmonary function for better
             participated  in  the  ‘Mindfulness  Meditation  Online   meditation experience.
             Retreat’  which  was  jointly  organised  by  YBAM  KL/
             Selangor SLC and Perak SLC, from 13 to 15 November   At  the  conclusion  of  the  final  session, Venerable  Ji
             2020. It was an honour to have Venerable Ji Ru, the   Ru  emphasised  that  walking,  standing,  sitting,  and
             Chairman of Mid-America Buddhist Association and   lying down are all mental cultivation and encouraged
             the Abbot of the International Buddhism Friendship   the participants to strive diligently to deepen their
             Association in Chicago, as the instructor.       experience through cross-application of all practices
                                                              and  to  settle  their  body  and  mind  in  the  present
             In the  three-day programme, Venerable  Ji  Ru   moment.
             explained  the  relationship  of  the  four  postures  of
             walking,  standing,  sitting,  and  lying  down  and  the   The  organisers  also  took  the  opportunity  to  invite
             four  elements  (earth,  water,  fire,  and  wind)  of  the   Venerable Ji Ru in leading the participants to dedicate
             body as well as the sequence of mindfulness practice.   merits  to  the  late  YBAM  former  National  Council
             Venerable  also  demonstrated  the  five  breathing   member  cum  former  Perak  SLC  Chairperson  Choy
             exercises and Yi Jin Jing (Sinew-Transformation Classic)   Seong Keong. May his past wholesome karma propel
             Health Cultivation to encourage the participants to   him to a bright and positive rebirth.
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