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报 告      27

             YBAM organised National Young Buddhist Fellowship
             cum Elite Leadership Training Camp from 26 to 27
             December 2020.  Due to  the pandemic,  the  event
             was  held  online.  The  8th  Elite  Training  Camp  was
             initially scheduled to be held in June 2020 but was
             postponed  and  held  together  with  National  Young
             Buddhist Fellowship (YBF) Leadership Training Camp.
             The event was therefore renamed as 2020 National
             Young  Buddhist  Fellowship  cum  Elite  Leadership
             Training Camp.

             There  were  four  main  topics  in  this  national   学员分享心得。
             training  camp:  Learning,  Improving,  Caring,  and   A participant shared what he had learned at the camp.
             Dedicating.  The  objectives  of  the  event  were  to
             promote the  spirit  and  philosophy of YBF and  to
             improve their  commitment  and  sense  of mission.
             The  organiser  aimed  to  cultivate  Buddhist  leaders
             with religious sentiments, leadership skills, a sense
             of  responsibility,  and  self-confidence  through  the
             training programme. YBF is a big family. Therefore,
             the organiser was also committed to promoting team
             spirit of mutual support and mutual benefit so that
             the participants could learn in the team and see their
             own  shortcomings.  In  addition,  the  organiser  also
             hoped to present the Dharma as a way of life, so that
             the young participants could relate to and practise   佛曲大合唱为活动画下完美句点。
             the Dharma.                                      The event was concluded with Buddhist hymn singing.

             Young Buddhist Elite Leadership Training Camp was
             held  with  the  theme  ‘Faith,  Vows  and  Practice’,   the camp mentor Venerable Zong Ping was present
             aiming  to  train  more  Buddhist youth leaders.   throughout the camp and gave Dharma sharing after
             Besides, a forum for mentors was also held to foster   every session.
             fellowship among the teachers from various groups
             and to discuss issues regarding YBF.              The training camp was officiated by the representative
                                                               of  Selangor  Exco  Dato’  Teng  Chang  Khim,  Madam
             The  Elite  Leadership  Training  Camp  utilised  many   Ngian  Yoke  Mooi,  and  other  guests  were  YBAM
             experimental games and  role-play so that the     President Tan King Leong, YBAM National Council Yap
             participants  learned  to  think  and  learn  from  a   Chee Voon, and YBAM Adolescent Affairs Committee
             different perspective. Meanwhile, Ting Yik Hwa was   Chairperson Ting Jia Shyang. The guests of honour for
             invited  as  the  speaker  of  the  programme  to  give   the closing ceremony were Venerable Zong Ping and
             a talk on the topic ‘Faith, Vows and Practice’. Also,   Tan King Leong.
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