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28           报 告

            Tay Boom Seng shared the equipment needed to live stream using OBS.


            OBS Live Streaming & Facebook

            Data Analysis

            日期 Date    :23/01/2021                            During  the  ‘OBS  Live  Streaming  &  Facebook  Data
            地点 Venue  :  8:00pm – 10:00pm                     Analysis’ new media training session, two speakers
            参与人数 Attendees  :  55 人 55 people                 Tay  Boom  Seng  and  Eow  Shiang  Yen  shared  with
                                                              55  participants  on  their  practical  experience  and
                                                              learning  on  handling  live  streaming  using  OBS  and
            在“OBS直播串流&面书数据分析”新媒体培训环                           analyzing data on Facebook Page using Insights tool.
            实际操作OBS串流和使用洞察工具分析面书专页数据                          In  the  first  session,  apart  from  introducing  the
            的经验和心得。                                           function and interface of OBS, Tay Boom Seng also
                                                              demonstrated  the  operations  of  OBS  (including
            在第一个环节,郑文成除了介绍OBS的功能软件和界                          Windows capture, audio handling and adding layers,
            面,也演示了OBS的操作,包括捕抓视窗、声音处理                          etc).
                                                              Eow  Shiang Yen  shared  the  ways  to  download  and
            的专页、帖文和视频数据。随喜大家在这个培训的新                           analyse  page data,  post  data,  and  video  data  from
            接触和学习,也希望大家能在各自的岗位把新媒体事                           Facebook Page in the second session. The speakers
            务做得更有素质和更了解大数据时代的需求。                              rejoiced with everyone’s new exposure and learning
                                                              during this training and also hoped that they could
                                                              handle  the  new  media-related  tasks  with  better
                                                              quality  and  have  better  understanding  on  the
                                                              requirements of the Big Data Era.
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