Page 39 - Berita 149 & 150
P. 39
报 告 35
针对佛教教育及弘法模式,继尊法师认为需要针对正 挥所长的平台。在参与佛教会活动的时候,青年可以
确的对象群采用合适的形式,并建立不同的平台,以 培养自己的承担力,学习吃苦,并在错误中学习。
动都能体现出组织的文化及努力,而团队应该勇于尝 王书优博士鼓励佛教社区化。他认为佛教徒在生活上
试,忧道不忧贫,接引青年学习佛法。 无法应用佛法,造成学用落差的窘境是值得关注的问
常藻法师表示,疫情是一个很好的契机,可以观察检 查、个人学佛大蓝图、佛化家庭的发展、与政府及民
测自己身心,把自己看得更清楚。很多负面的心境从 间团体的互动并通过慈善及福利活动与社区接轨,以
内心产生,并非真实发生。法师建议团体借用共修的 及善用科技及大数据推动佛教发展。
陈健良居士认为,佛教会是一个让青年自我肯定并发 播收看此交流会。
Tan King Leong believed that we should encourage young people to enter the community.
YBAM organised ‘Together We Move Forward: our heart,’ said Venerable Ji Zun. Venerable believed
Malaysian Buddhist Leaders Conference’ on 17 April that the learning environment is important and
2021. The conference invited Honorary Secretary that Buddhists should discuss with each other in a
of Malaysian Buddhist Association (MBA) Venerable respectful manner and follow the teachings of Buddha
Ji Zun, Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Singapore, step by step. Teachers are models for learning, and
Malaysia, Thailand & Indonesia Venerable Jue Cheng, when the thoughts of withdrawing arise, we should
Superintendent of Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist read the biographies of the great monks and masters.
Centre Malaysia Venerable Chang Zao, Immediate
Past President of YBAM Tan King Leong and Secretary- During the sharing, Venerable Jue Cheng talked
General of Malaysian Buddhist Kulapati Association about the reason she became a bhiksuni at the age
Secretary Dr. Ong See Yew to have an online sharing. of 29. Venerable went to Fo Guang Shan inTaiwan
for further studies thanks to the recommendation
Buddhism was supposed to be transmitted through of the principal. Venerable has been practicing
human interaction. But, COVID-19 pandemic the ideology and spirit of ‘Humanistic Buddhism’,
disrupted the plans and also limited the development studying Buddhism in the context of humanistic
of Buddhism, bringing many Buddhist organisations society, learning while doing, and at the same time
to a standstill. In response, leaders of Buddhist remembering the teachings of Venerable’s teachers
organisations gathered online to discuss how to turn to lead more people to study Dharma.
the crisis into an opportunity to promote the post-
pandemic development of Buddhism. Venerable Chang Zao, who was exposed to Buddhism
during the college years and later went to Taiwan to
‘In the face of the pandemic, we should meet with further studies at Dharma Drum Mountain, believed
the Dharma and use the Dharma to ignite the light in that there are bound to be times when a team of