Page 40 - Berita 149 & 150
P. 40
36 报 告
Venerable Jue Cheng shared how to move from localisation to internationalisation.
monks and laymen have different philosophies and efforts of the organisations, and that teams should
personnel disputes among them, leading to feelings have the courage to try, focus on seeking the proper
of withdrawing. We should not be troubled by this, paths, and guide the youths to learn Dharma.
but we should review the self, let go of the self, and
rememberour original intention. Venerable Chang Zao said that the pandemic is a
good opportunity to observe and be mindful of our
Tan King Leong thanked the predecessors who body and thought, and to see ourself more clearly.
established Buddhist societies in major cities and Many negative thoughts arising from within do not
towns in the 1970s and 1980s, providing opportunities really turn into reality. Venerable suggested that the
for people to be exposed to Dharma. He was also organisations use the strength of group cultivation to
grateful for the opportunity to be close to Buddhist encourage each other.
sages and Kalyāṇa-mittatā during his time in YBAM,
during which he received inspiration and guidance. Tan King Leong opined that Buddhist societies are
a platform for youth to affirm themselves and bring
Dr. Ong See Yew said that he got in touch with out their strengths. While participating in activities of
Buddhism due to the death of his father and was Buddhist societies, youth can develop their ability to
moved by Buddhism which subsequently led to undertake responsibilites, learn to endure hardship,
taking refuge in the Triple Gem. He said that we and learn from their mistakes.
should, at first, learn to let the Dharma move us and
then benefit from it, after which we will be driven by Dr. Ong See Yew encouraged the community
the power of vows to undertake and push forward engagement of Buddhism. He believed that the
Malaysian Buddhism without fussiness. He believed dilemma of Buddhists being unable to apply the
that Buddhism in Malaysia has moved from the Dharma in their life, resulting in a gap between learning
monasteries to the community and, therefore, there and application, is a matter of concern. To address
is a need to integrate resources and develop towards this issue, he provided five major recommendations:
pluralistic coexistence in order to pool Buddhist a survey on population ratio, blueprint on individuals’
forces to move towards the mode of alliances to cope Dharma learning, development of Buddhist families,
with the crisis of declining Buddhist population. interactions with government and civil society
organisations, and engagement with the community
On the topics of Buddhist education and Dharma through charity and welfare activities, as well as the
propagation modes, Venerable Ji Zun believed that use of technology and big data to push forward the
there is a need to adopt the right format for the right development of Buddhism.
target group and to establish different platforms
to guide the public to learn Buddhism. Venerable More than 400 persons watched the conference on
Jue Cheng, on the other hand, believed that both the Zoom platform and through the livestream of
physical and online activities reflect the culture and YBAM Facebook.