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报 告      39

            Nagarjuna Training Institute set up Covid Care Centre.

            马佛青在八蚌智慧林的协助下,发放10台制氧机到印度地西藏癌症协会。                                    西藏癌症协会的感谢函。
            Assisted by Palpung Munishasan Dharma Chakra Sangh, YBAM donated 10 units of oxygen concentrators to   Letter of appreciation from Tibetan Cancer
            the Tibetan Cancer Society.                                          Society.

            Nagaloka Alumni Association donated face masks, cash money, dried food, cooked food, and other necessities.

                         Report on the Donation and Disbursement to India for COVID-19 Relief

             筹款总额 Total Fund Collected: RM403,704.31
             用途细分 Usage breakdown:
              1)  捐款予当地慈善组织用作抗疫用途                                             RM129,560.56
                  Donation to local charitable organisations for COVID-19 relief works
              2) 制氧机和相关零件 Oxygen concentrators & related components           RM182,405 (40 个 40 units)
              3) 口罩 Face masks                                                RM61,500 (7000 个 7000 units)
              4) 器材运输费 Equipment transportation cost                          RM14,905
              5) 进口税和其他进口费用 Import duty & other import charges                RM15,081
              6) 行政费用 Administrative expenses                                 RM252.75
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