Page 48 - Berita 149 & 150
P. 48
44 报 告
Lay Advisor Leong Kok Hing explained the history of the founding of YBAM.
YBAM organised an online internal training for the
National Council members, Standing Committee
(SC) members and States Liaison Committee (SLC)
members to enhance understanding of the core
values of YBAM on 6 June 2021, with the hope that the
core values can be implemented in the programme
planning, and also to consolidate the relationship
and to strengthen bond among the YBAM committee
members. 署理总会长许俊辉和副会长谢汶芸讲解六年计划。
Deputy President Hoi Jung Wai and Vice President Chiah Boon Hoon
explained the 6 Year Plan.
A total of six main topics were presented during the
training, i.e., organisational structure and core-values
of YBAM, organisational structure of HQ secretariat
and administration procedure, financial management
and expectation, roles and responsibility of National
Council, SC and SLC, the right attitude of a Dharma
worker, and objectives and mission of YBAM 6-year
Venerable Mahinda, Venerable Zong Ping, Venerable
Chuan Wen, Venerable Jue Chen and Venerable Do
Hwa gave words of encouragement and witnessed 总会长杨桂荣谈到组织架构与理念及分享马佛青的组织文化。
the inauguration ceremony participated by 120 YBAM President Yong Kuei Yoong presented the organisational structure,
philosophy, and organisational culture of YBAM.
National Council, SLC, and SC members.