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46           报 告


            OBS              直播串流“进阶版”

            New Media Talent Training Series - Open

            Broadcaster Software ‘Advanced’

            日期 Date    :19/06/2021
            时间 Time    :  2:00pm – 3:00pm
            地点 Venue  :  线上 Online
            参与人数 Attendees  :  145人 145 people

            基于疫情缘故,我国政府限制了线上活动的举办。但                           的操作步骤。此外,主讲人也回答参与者的疑问,同
            这却给予我们很好的机会去探索和利用新技术举行线                           时鼓励大家在活动结束后各自练习和使用这款软件。
            上活动。Open  Broadcaster  Software  (OBS)  是一个
            免费的开源软件,让用户把内容透过直播/预录的方                           在线上培训期间,一个实习群组也被成立了,并且有
            式串流转播到各大主流社交平台。                                   顾问团提供技术指导和意见,让大家日后使用  OBS
            主讲人郑文成居士向参与者介绍软件的用户界面和分                           望各州参与者熟悉软件操作后可以帮忙会员团体处理
            享该软件的用途,并且在线上详细地展示每一项功能                           活动直播和协助会员团体培养自己的串流直播团队。

                                                                         讲师郑文成居士介绍运作OBS  软件所需的基本电脑
                                                                         配备,并讲解OBS 软件用户界面与功能。
                                                                         The speaker, Tay Boom Seng introduced the basic computer
                                                                         requirements on running the OBS software and explained the
                                                                         user interface and functions of OBS software..

             Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the  Malaysian      the participants’ inquiries and encouraged everyone
             Government  restricted  physical  events  from  being   to practise and use the software after this training
             organised.  However,  this  restriction  gave  us  an   session.
             opportunity to explore and utilise new techniques to
             organise online events. Open Broadcaster Software   Throughout  this  online  training,  a  practice
             (OBS) is a free open-source software, allowing users   group  was  also  established  with  several  advisors
             to stream live or pre-recorded  content  to social   providing technical guidances and suggestions. The
             media.                                            advisors were ready to provide necessary technical
                                                               support  for the  future online  events  hosted by
             The  speaker  Tay  Boom  Seng  introduced  the  user   the  participants.  Meanwhile,  we  hope  that  the
             interface  and  features  of  OBS  to  the  participants.   participants  from  different  state  could  assist  their
             He  also  demonstrated  how  to  perform  various   member organisations in live streaming and provide
             actions  and  functions  in  order  to  establish  live   similar  training  to  form  their  own  live  streaming
             streaming.  Besides,  the  speaker  also  responded  to   team there.
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