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48           报 告


            40th Advanced Dharma Study Camp

            日期 Date    :07/08/2021 – 08/08/2021
            时间 Time    :  9:00am – 5:00pm
            地点 Venue  :  线上 Online
            参与人数 Attendees  :  200 人 200 people



            在营队期间,林健德教授做了一个关于中观学和其一                           开仁法师引导我们发掘《 大智度论 》 里的法宝。
                                                              Venerable Kai Ren guiding the participants to discover the life treasures laid
            的分享。                                              down in The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom

            在开仁法师的引导下,学员们有机会学习龙树菩萨的                           The  two-day  Advanced  Dharma  Study  Camp  with
            智慧。此外,学员们也积极提问,法师很善巧地解答                           the theme of 'the Treatise on the Great Perfection of
            学员们的提问,此次的研修班让大家对大智度论有更                           Wisdom' was successfully held with Venerable Kai Ren
            深的领悟。                                             as the course teacher. Response was overwhelming,
                                                              attracting participants from Malaysia, Singapore, the
                                                              United States, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

                                                              It  is  worth  mentioning  that  YBAM  Penang  SLC
                                                              provided  technical assistance for this  camp.  The
                                                              youths reminded and encouraged each other in the
                                                              learning during the camp.

                                                              During the camp, Professor Lin shared on the topic of
                                                              Madhyamaka and its development.

                                                              With  the  Venerable  Kai  Ren’s  guidance,  the
                                                              participants had the opportunity to learn the wisdom
            副题讲师:林建德                                          of  Nāgārjuna  Bodhisattva.  Many  questions  were
            Subtopic Speaker: Lam Kin Tak.
                                                              asked  and  Venerable  Kai  Ren  was  able  to  answer
                                                              the questions skilfully. The Advanced Dharma Study
                                                              Group  gave  them  a  deeper  understanding  on  'the
                                                              Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom'.
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