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报 告      51

            The  National  Trainee  Teachers  Virtual  Camp  2.0  ‘a
            Life of 87%, I’m Lovin’ It’ organised by YBAM received
            overwhelming  responses  from  71  trainee  teachers
            and in-service teachers from all states, including 25
            organising committee members and 46 participants.

            The theme of this one-day camp was ‘a Life of 87%,
            I’m Lovin’ It’, implying how to live a wonderful life in an
            imperfect environment with a positive attitude. The
            course content focused on leading the participants,
            who are soul engineers, to learn how to adjust their
            mind and body, and how to combine the wisdom of
            Buddhism and the knowledge on education.

            Unlike previous camps, this year’s camp was changed
            to a one-day online camp due to the impact of the
            pandemic.  This  year,  Venerable  Jotipala  was  the
            keynote speaker, while Leong Qing Ye from Specky
            Studio and Mici Su, a Zen painting teacher, were the
            subtopic speakers.

            Venerable  Jotipala  shared  with  the  participants
            the meaning of life from the Buddhist perspective,
            incorporating puññakiriyavatthu. Venerable also used
            examples relevant to everyday life to explain so that
            participants could integrate Dharma into their life.  活动海报。
                                                               Poster of the event.
            Leong Qing Ye shared with the participants how to   avoid using a critical tone to refute them.
            make lively and interesting PowerPoint slides to make
            teaching more interesting so that the students would   The opening ceremony guest of the camp was YBAM
            not feel bored. Mici Su then taught the participants   President Yong Kuei Yoong, and the closing ceremony
            to create Zen paintings to relax their mind. She also   guests  were  Venerable  Jotipala  and  YBAM  Vice
            shared her own teaching experience and encouraged   President  cum  Sarawak  SLC  Chairperson  Tay  Boom
            participants to treat students with compassion and   Seng.
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