Page 57 - Berita 149 & 150
P. 57
报 告 53
Group photo for the three events, namely the talk (from left), blessing session, and Buddhist hymns concert.
The 9th National Young Buddhist Elite Leadership
Training Camp organised by YBAM received an
overwhelming response from adolescents all over
the country. There were 42 participants, of which 7
were previous participants who enrolled to repeat
the course, while the rest were selected from the
2020 National Young Buddhist Fellowship Leadership
The theme of the camp was ‘Faith, Vows, Practice’,
aiming to enhance the adolescents’ faith in the
Triple Gems and establish a positive attitude towards
learning and practising Buddhism. Faith means
confidence with Triple Gems; vows means the
strong will of Buddhist leaders towards Buddhism, 宗平法师开示。
Venerable Zong Ping’s sharing session.
while Practise means becoming a better person
through the practices of Four Ways of Attraction. The
organising committee gave huge effort to cultivate that adolescents face in their daily life, Venerable
young Buddhist leaders and select a new batch of Zong Ping explained the meaning of faith, vows,
young successors to contribute to Buddhism. and practice, encouraging the participants to apply
Buddhism in their daily life.
The camp was held online due to the pandemic.
Organising an online event was a great challenge. The opening ceremony guests were Venerable Zong
However, the organising committee managed to Ping and YBAM President Yong Kuei Yoong, while the
present the best experience to every participant. closing ceremony guests were Venerable Zong Ping,
Many activities were different from the past. The YBAM Vice President Ch’ng Kok Sheng, and YBAM
committee members used slide shows for visual Adolescent Affairs Committee Chairperson Soh Mian
presentations and each activity was interspersed Li.
with mini-games to accomplish the ultimate goal of
building a rocket, an ultimate task for everyone to At the end of the camp, the committee members and
integrate Dharma into daily activities. the participants were required to organise events
with the theme ‘Fighting the Pandemic’ in the coming
It was also the privilege of the organising committee month, including a talk, a Buddhist hymns concert,
to have Venerable Zong Ping as the resident and a blessing session. A total of 17 participants was
venerable for the camp. Using real-life examples selected as the 9th Elite in the camp.