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报 告      49

            恐龙叔叔讲故事“完美小孩”。                                            欧欧老师讲故事“偷书贼”。
            Low Chee Leong tells the story of 'A Perfect Child'.      Teacher Au Ting Wei told the story of ‘The Book Thief’.

            Story Player: Love at Home Together

            日期 Date    :07/08/2021 (北马站 Northern Region Station)
                                   28/08/2021 (东海岸站 East Coast Region Station)
            时间 Time    :  8:00pm – 9:30pm
            地点 Venue  :  线上 Online
            参与人数 Attendees  :  超越100户家庭 More than 100 families (07/08/2021)
                                                95户家庭 95 families (28/08/2021)

            这两场“故事大玩家之爱“宅”一起“圆满地结束。                           These two sessions of ‘Story Player: Love at Home
            活动的反应非常热烈,北马站吸引了超过100户家庭                          Together‘  concluded  successfully.  There  were
            参与,而东海岸站也成功吸引了95户家庭参与。                            encouraging responses to these activities, with the
                                                              Northern  Region  Station  attracting  more  than  100
            在亲子故事分享会,恐龙叔叔、欧欧老师和玲玲老师                           families  while  the  East  Coast  Station  attracting  95
            分享了精彩的故事及带动唱歌,让居家的孩子们感受                           families.
            让孩子们开麦克风表达故事的内容及感想。除了故事                           In  the  parent-child  story  sharing  session,  ‘Uncle
            分享,还有小游戏、亲子互动环节及亲子手语,一家                           Dinosaur’  Low  Chee  Leong,  Teacher  Au  Ting  Wei
            人在镜头前面互动,呈现出一幅温馨感人的画面。                            and Teacher Lin Lin shared some captivating stories
                                                              and  led  the  singing  sessions,  allowing  the  children
            家长和小孩们一起听故事和互动,在欢笑声度过温馨                           to  experience  warmth  when  interacting  with  their
                                                              families at home. During the storytelling sessions, the
                                                              children could enable the microphone to express the
                                                              content of the story and their thoughts. In addition
                                                              to  storytelling,  there  were  mini  games,  parent-
                                                              child  interactions  and  sign  language.  The  families
                                                              interacted in front of their camera to present a warm

                                                              Parents  and  children  spent  a  warm  and  wonderful
                                                              evening with lots of laughter while listening to stories
                                                              and interacting with each other.
             玲玲老师给参与的儿童讲故事 “一个有意义的洋娃娃”。
             Teacher Lin Lin told the story of ‘A Doll of Loving Memories’ to the participating
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