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报 告      45



            Engaging Adolescents:

            an Online Sharing and Dialogue

            日期 Date    :13/06/2021
            时间 Time    :  8:00pm - 10:00pm
            地点 Venue  :   线上 Online
            参与人数 Attendees  :  235 人 235 people

            的一大关键。马佛青吉打州联委会联合砂拉越州联委                           胡淑欣透过小游戏和观众互动。
            会,于2021年6月13日举办“青少年该怎么Fun”全                       Hoo Shu Xin interacted with the audience through games.
            国佛团线上分享会,旨在探讨如何让青少年把佛教会                           Adolescents are the future pillars of our country and
            视为自己的家外之家并与同行善友一起成长。                              society. The senses of belonging and experience in their
                                                              Buddhist  organisation  are  key  factors  that  influence
            这项分享活动邀请了古晋三圣佛堂青年团团长曾俊                            their path of learning Buddhism. YBAM Kedah SLC and
            仁、马来西亚佛光青年团执行长如音法师及马来西亚                           Sarawak  SLC  jointly  organised  an  online  sharing  and
            佛光青年团北马区干部胡淑欣,一起探讨如何接引青                           dialogue themed ‘Engaging Adolescents’. The purpose is
            少年投入佛教活动。主持人为张哲匀。                                 to explore how to make adolescents view the Buddhist
                                                              societies as their home when they are away from home
            首先,胡淑欣用两个简单的游戏,带出凡事必须跳脱                           and grow up together with their good friends there.
            报工具Slido和观众进行简单的问答互动。她向大家                         The panelists included Cheng Jun Jen, Chairperson of
            提出一些问题,包括参与次活动的目的,及自己以什                           San Sheng Tong Youth Circle of Kuching, Venerable Ru
            么身份来参加此活动。此外,胡淑欣、如音法师及曾                           Yin, CEO of Buddha's Light International Association
            俊仁也分别透过演示文稿及视频,呈现马来西亚佛光                           (BLIA) Youth Malaysia, and Hoo Shu Xin, committee
                                                              member of BLIA Youth Malaysia (Northern Region).
            这项分享会反应热烈,成功吸引逾235名来自全国各                          The topic of discussion on how to engage adolescents
            地的青年、青少年及佛团领袖参与。                                  in  Buddhist  activities.  Teoh  Cherh  Yun  was  the
                                                              moderator of this event.

                                                              The  event  was  kick-started  by  2  simple  online
                                                              interactive games prepared by Hoo Shu Xin, with the
                                                              underlying  message on the  importance of reverse
                                                              thinking  in  addressing  issues  or  problems  in  our
                                                              lives. After this, Venerable Ru Yin conducted 2 simple
                                                              surveys via Slido, including gauging the participants’
                                                              intention on joining this event and the identity used to
                                                              join this event. Both BLIA Youth Malaysia and Kuching
                                                              San Sheng Tong Youth Circle shared their activities
                                                              and  initiatives  during  the  COVID-19  pandemic  via
                                                              PowerPoint and video presentations.
            师、胡淑欣和曾俊仁。                                        This  sharing  session  received  an  overwhelming
            Three panelists shared their experience in organising Buddhist activities for
            adolescents. From top: Teoh Cherh Yun, Venerable Ru Yin, Cheng Jun Jen, and   response  and  attracted  235  people,  including
            Hoo Shu Xin.                                      adolescents,  youths  and  leaders  from various
                                                              Buddhist organisations all over the nation.
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