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报 告      41

             Due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in 2021,
             large gatherings at temples were no longer feasible
             during  Wesak  Day.  Therefore,  YBAM  launched  the
             e-Wesak Activity Series with the theme ‘Light Up! MY
             Life’ from 8 May 2021 to 7 June 2021. This activity
             series  included  a  large  number  of  practice-based
             events that allow the public to participate in and focus
             on the application of Dharma so that everyone could
             follow the Buddha's teaching to maintain the peace
             of body and mind during this auspicious month.

             YBAM  had  launched  the  interactive  functions  of
             e-bathing the Buddha, e-light offering, and blessing
             tree  in  which  the  public  could  participate  from  22
             May to 7 June. YBAM also carried out various activities
             suitable for Buddhists of all age groups across all 13
             states in the country.

             For those who were unable to join the online courses,
             YBAM encouraged them to read and copy the Sutras,
             meditate, or chant the name of the Buddha at home,   佛教故事马拉松2.0请来六位故事达人,口述精彩动人的佛教故
             to  welcome  this  auspicious  festival  with  gratitude.   事。左上起为吴国强、琦娃,中起为欧丁慧、洪绣晴(红姐姐),
             At the same time, YBAM also encouraged member    右下起为刘志龙(恐龙叔叔)及林秀枝(熊妈妈)。
                                                              Six storytellers presented a feast of Buddhist stories on Buddhist Storytelling
             organisations  and  Buddhists  to  perform  online  or   Marathon. From top left: Ng Kok Keong, Jeeva Raghunath; From center left: Au
             home  Buddha  bathing  on  Wesak  Day  in  order  to   Ting Wei, Ang Siew Kim; From bottom left: Liu Zhi Long, Lim Siew Kee.
             purify their own mind and to recollect the virtues of
             the Buddha.

              日期 Date                                        活动 Activity
             08/05        南传菩萨道思想与探寻 (上):菩萨授記,出家的动机
                          ‘Bodhisattva Ideal in Theravada Buddhism 1’ Five & Eight Precepts Practice
             09/05        “你快乐吗?”——寻找平静的力量线上一日禅
                          ‘A Way to be Tranquil and Happy’  - One-Day Online Retreat
             12/05, 21/05,  “四谛谛法轮与三士道次第” 热腾仁波切教授
             28/05, 04/06  ‘The Dharma Wheel of the Four Noble Truths and the Three Scopes of the Stages of Path to Awakening’
                          - Reteng Rinpoche Dharma Talk
             15/05        “佛陀证觉的足迹”卡利雅诺尊者英语开示
                          ‘The Buddha’s Path to Awakening’ - Tan Ajahn Kalyano Dharma Talk
             16/05  - 23/05 “佛陀的一生”常识测试
                          The Life of the Buddha’ – Quiz on Buddhism
             19/05        “忆念佛陀”玛欣德长老英语开示
                          ‘Remembering the Buddha’ – Bhante Mahinda Dharma Talk
             22/05        “南传菩萨道思想与探寻(下):省察诸波罗蜜”法护尊重授五戒和八戒
                          ‘Bodhisattva Ideal in Theravada Buddhism II’ Five & Eight Precepts Practice
             22/05 - 07/06 线上浴佛 e-Bathing the Buddha
             25/05        卫塞前夕线上全国佛团抗疫祈福会
                          Wesak Eve Online Blessing National Buddhist Prayer for Elimination of Pandemic
             26/05        三大传承法师授五戒和八关斋戒 Three Traditions. Eight Precepts
                          佛教故事马拉松2.0  (与马来西亚佛教发展基金会联办)
                          Buddhist Storytelling Marathon (co-host with Yayasan Belia Buddhist Malaysia)
             29/05        “四念住与念佛三昧”一日禅净共修及受持八关斋戒
                          ‘Satipatana & Buddhānusmṛti-Samādhi’ Chanting, Meditation & Eight Precepts One Day Online Retreat
             30/05        “共修 · 共愿”全国12小时共修及总回向
                          ‘Light Up My Life’ nationwide 12-hour Online Chanting and Sharing of Merits
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