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56           报 告


            'Wisdom of Hundred Parables Sutra'

            Dharma Talk

            日期 Date    :10/09/2021
            时间 Time    :  8:00pm - 10:00pm
            地点 Venue  :  线上 Online
            参与人数 Attendees  :  150人 150 people


             和生动的话术,带出了任何事情都会有限度,一旦过                           理净法师带领大家,从小故事中领悟出大道理。
             头了就会走向反面的道理;又如“渴见水喻”,愚人                           Venerable Lee Jing led the participants to understand the great truths from
             因为觉得水太多喝不完而干脆就不喝水,正如我们觉                           small stories.
             理会和学习,以致失去后来得道的机会。                                答,佛友们也积极发表看法。参与者纷纷对活动给予
             师父说完每则故事后,都提出问题让参与者讨论和回                           题的活动。

            Venerable Lee Jing explaining the story of Hundred Parables Sutra ‘Hacking A Tree Down for Fruit’.

            Elaborating ten stories from Hundred Parables Sutra,   Thirsty’  where  the  fool  simply  did  not  drink  water
            Venerable Lee Jing guided the audiences to discover   because he felt that there was too much of water to
            wisdom inspired by the stories in order for them to   drink. The same feeling, when we find that there are
            apply  in daily  life  to  clear their  doubts and  live at   too many things to learn in Buddhism, the Vinayas
            ease. 'Wisdom of Hundred Parables Sutra' Dharma   and Sutras, we will rather give up on learning since
            Talk was organised by YBAM Pahang SLC.            we can’t finish learning everything, thus losing the
                                                              opportunity for enlightenment.
            One of the stories mentioned in the talk is the well-
            known ‘A Fool Eating Salt’. Using easily understood   After  every  story,  Venerable  Lee  Jing  would  ask
            and vivid words, Venerable Lee Jing elaborated the   questions,  and  the  participants  actively  expressed
            moral behind the story, that is when something goes   their views. The participants gave positive feedback
            beyond  the  boundary,  it  will  lead  to  the  opposite.   on the talk and suggested that another talk on the
            Another  example  was  ‘Seeing  Water  and  Getting   topic of the Hundred Parables Sutra could be held.
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