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In  the  first  event  of  YBAM  Sarawak  SLC  in  2022,
            certified  and  registered  Malaysian  Psychological
            Counsellor,  Mok  Soo  Ching,  was  invited  to  share
            with  50  attendees  on  what  to  do  in  the  situation
            of  domestic  violence.  Buddhist  community  leaders
            might face situations where the members bring up
            social problems or seek help from them, making it
            important to know how to help the victims in the first

            Mok  Soo  Ching  commenced  the  session  by  raising
            a  few  myths  and  interacting  with  the  participants
            to  make  them  reflect  on  these  aspects:  types  of
            violence,  gender,  education  level  and  the  victims’   主讲人莫淑清。
            voices. She added that there is a cycle of domestic   Mok Soo Ching, the speaker.
            violence:  the  explosion  period,  the  honeymoon
            period and the tension period. If the violence occurs
            without a proper resolution, the victim will remain in
            this cycle.

            The main cause of domestic violence is disparity of
            power, as one partner wants power and control in the
            family, using violence to take control of the situation.
            Teacher  Mok  also  shared  that  domestic  violence
            is not a personal problembut rather a reflection of
            the whole community. If the community shares the
            relevant values, it will acquiesce to domestic violence.  莫淑清讲解如何支援家暴受害者。
                                                              Mok Soo Ching explained how to support the victims of domestic violence.
            The useful tips on how to support victims of domestic
            violence include:                                 endure and start over.
                                                              3. Do not make any decisions for the victim and do
            1. Find a quiet space where the victim can talk to you   not expect him/her to make a decision quickly.
            in private.                                       4. Do not suggest that the victim negotiate with the
            2. Trust and support the victim, telling him/her that   abuser.
            he/she is not at fault.                           5. If the victim has left home, do not tell anyone the
            3. Respect the victim's need for confidentiality.  location of his/her new residence without permission.
            4. Ensure the victim's safety.
            5. Be aware that the victim's background, ethnicity,   As  a  leader  or  organisation  or  helper,  we  should
            language and cultural barriers or immigration status   provide  the  victim  with  the  4  elements  of  peace:
            may compound the problem.                         physical safety, emotional safety, peace of mind and
            6.  Accompany  the  victim  to  the  police  station  if   peace of contact (provide social worker or after-care
            necessary.                                        support).
            7. If the victim needs medical attention, take him/her
            directly to the emergency and trauma department of   At the end of the talk, retired Associate Professor of
            any government hospital.                          Social Work at the University of Sarawak and founder
                                                              and training committee member of Sarawak Women
            In addition to these, the speaker also reminded the   for Women Society, Dr Ling How Kee, expressed her
            audience things they should not do as follows:    hope that there would be more activities to help the
                                                              abusers, work on the root causes and prevent more
            1. Do not blame or ask the victim what he/she did to   people from being violently treated. In addition, Dr
            cause domestic violence.                          Lim  called  on  various  religious  groups  to  provide
            2.  Do  not  take  violence  lightly,  do  not  advise  the   some  hidden  shelters  for  the  victims  of  domestic
            victim to forgive the abuser or advise the victim to   violence.

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